Apostasy in the old testament

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Puritan Board Freshman
I've been studying covenant theology more, and particularly God's relation to Ethnic Israel and the new covenant.

Romans 9:6 says "For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel."
The two primary examples I commonly hear are Ishmael is a son of Abraham, but not the son of the promise, and obviously the example Paul uses with Jacob and Esau.

Are there any other passages in the old testament that deal outrightly with apostasy inside ethnic israel? I know that there is, but I can't think of any passages off the top of my head and would love for you all to throw out some references so I can study this further.

See the last chapters of 2 Kings, re. both kingdoms' destruction, and especially the "why" sections.

Also, read Jeremiah. All about Judah's apostasy.
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