Believing is very kindly and sweetly done

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (Stedfast Adherence to the Profession of our Faith), Works 3:99-100:

What is there in believing, that should not be very kindly and sweetly done? There is no other relief found for the distressed soul, but only in God through Christ Jesus. This relief is found to be a very amiable and taking one. Is there any pain, think you; is there any trouble; is there any regret seizing upon the spirit of a poor creature, when he gives his consent to a blessed bargain? When the condemned prisoner takes his pardon, what pain is there? Is it not an easy thing to accept of pardon: the captive is willing to have his chains loosed, and loosed by him that can take them off sweetly. Sirs, the thing that I drive at is only this, and in it I do appeal unto all the consciences of them that hear me, that ever knew what believing is: that when God proclaims his name, and shines in his glory in the promise, and draws the heart sweetly towards himself, was there ever any thing you did in all your life more sweetly done than to trust God? It is one of the most cheerful acts that ever the soul put forth.
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