Favorite commentaries by today's scholars

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Puritan Board Senior
With Sproul's new work on Romans soon to be released, I thought I'd ask...

Most everyone here (myself included) has an affinity for reading dead folks, however I am curious to see what contemporary commentaries are prized by PB brethren.
Ralph Davis is superb. May be better than anyone dead on 1&2 Kings.

Alec Motyer is also excellent. I'm sure there are more, but these two come immediately to mind.
on Ephesians I found very helpful

Peter T O'Brien, very thorough on Pauline Authorship

and even more so, Harold W. Hoehner, recently departed (like Ridderbos)

(Hoehner surprisingly doesn't buy the Circular aimed destination of Ephesians)

and also the 2 volumes by Richard Phillips
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