Good explanation of the "X" in "Xmas"

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Puritan Board Professor

Now should I shall wait for the rest of the story of what mas means in Xmas? ;)

Merry Dec. 19th to all here. :)
don't hold your breath. On the subject of pretended holy days Sproul takes the Anglocatholic view, and sacred history? I thought that was a term for scripture? The confusion doesn't surprise me given his stance on holy days. In fact when I see someone say, we don't believe it is a holy day, who in the world believes that? Historically I'll give them the anglocatholic view by such as Hooker and of a modern so called Presbyterian who says nearly the exact same thing. See here.
don't hold your breath. On the subject of pretended holy days Sproul takes the Anglocatholic view, and sacred history? I thought that was a term for scripture? The confusion doesn't surprise me given his stance on holy days. In fact when I see someone say, we don't believe it is a holy day, who in the world believes that? Historically I'll give them the anglocatholic view by such as Hooker and of a modern so called Presbyterian who says nearly the exact same thing. See here.

Thanks for the permission to breath :) if I was going to hold my breath till RC repents of this unbiblical and confessional position.
Long time supporter of Ligonier, but I always have to ignore them during the month of December because of their love for the Christ-Mass.
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