New "species" of human

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Puritan Board Freshman
Any thoughts on the archeological dig (off the coast of Australia, I think) that revealed a family of 3 foot tall humans? Last week, the LA Times described the find as a new species of human. The Darwinists are going nuts over it. Any cool websites you know of that debunks Darwinist evolution? A cool site that promotes creationism (not necessarily Christianity) is
I wouldn't get excited yet. They tend to blow these things out of proportion at first. We'll probably find out later what these finds really are.

[Edited on 1-11-2004 by puritansailor]
Empirical evidence

Let me make it clear that I don't believe the findings are a new species of human. However, these findings are concrete...a world apart from Y2K and UFO sightings. I enjoy examining the evidence, using the scientific method, when confronted with this stuff...I definitely believe we should be open to discuss these types of findings, because, if God is who He says He is, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Yeah, that one is pretty good. It shows how completely groundless it is, even when people try to make it theistic. is a site that promotes young earth. They have recent research suggesting the earth is 6000 years old. I don't quite know where I land in the old earth/young earth discussion, but the findings on this website are intriguing.

"It's probably a family of five year olds! "

LOL! :lol:

Or...maybe they're some of Benny Hinn's "pre-Adamic" race...
Originally posted by Batman
Let me make it clear that I don't believe the findings are a new species of human. However, these findings are concrete...a world apart from Y2K and UFO sightings. I enjoy examining the evidence, using the scientific method, when confronted with this stuff...I definitely believe we should be open to discuss these types of findings, because, if God is who He says He is, there's nothing to be afraid of.

We are not saying that the findings are necessarily bogus. Just there interpretation of the findings. Often, scientists today are so eager to prove evolution they jump the gun and end up with egg on their face once more in-depth research is done. That why Chris and I said let's wait and see.

Moderator note: This thread has been moved to the Natural Revelation/Creation forum.
Originally posted by puritansailor
Originally posted by Batman
Let me make it clear that I don't believe the findings are a new species of human. However, these findings are concrete...a world apart from Y2K and UFO sightings. I enjoy examining the evidence, using the scientific method, when confronted with this stuff...I definitely believe we should be open to discuss these types of findings, because, if God is who He says He is, there's nothing to be afraid of.

We are not saying that the findings are necessarily bogus. Just there interpretation of the findings. Often, scientists
today are so eager to prove evolution they jump the gun and end up with egg on their face once more in-depth research is done. That why Chris and I said let's wait and see.

Moderator note: This thread has been moved to the Natural Revelation/Creation forum.

And you just have to love that!
Originally posted by Finn McCool
Originally posted by crhoades

Check out: Download the lecture is evolution scientific by Bahnsen. It is a presuppositional/philosophical refutation that is pretty amazing.

Wow, I didn't know about that website. Can you download and burn those lectures? Or is that against copyright?

Knock yourself out. Amazing what one can find that's free out there! Hope you're enjoying Frame's article - I reread it earlier and got even more out of it this go round.
Either small humans or extinct primates

or frauds, but we know they are not transitional species, they never are.

"Guys, it's just a representative of the lollipop guild. "

It's another good one!!! :bigsmile: (the ol' Wizard of Oz reference)...

...Or perhaps it's the last remains of the Oompa Loompas who were finally decimated by the Vermicious Kaniffs and Snoz Wangers.
Perhaps this thread should be consolidated with the thread I started on the same topic several days ago. It's called "Hobbits?" in General Discussions.
For me, things like that always make me think about ' one day being as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day' and the fact that when you think about things in a born again elected perspective in the light Peter's and the rest of the Apostles teaching...that God does as He will's and is incapable of Sin... and the fact that no-one say's 'what have You done'!...But just have to believe what He says He has done....

God made man in His Image, perfect, Holy, and moral....after the fall it all went wrong (up),excuse the vulgarity ( but it is a very good description of the fall ) ( I substituted the word and replaced it with 'wrong' )

Man came from monkeys..give me a break.

We read of extraordinary humans but not sub-humans.


Jesus is perfect man, the reflection of God. Not no ape. Light of Light.


[Edited on 11-7-2004 by just_grace]
Well the Answers in Genesis guys brought up some good points about these so called religion killing hobbits. They aren't fossilized, they had tools, they must have been sea-faring. There have been similarly built pygmies found alive on other islands and there's no reason to burn your bible and renounce Christ as a result.
Originally posted by Ianterrell
Well the Answers in Genesis guys brought up some good points about these so called religion killing hobbits. They aren't fossilized, they had tools, they must have been sea-faring. There have been similarly built pygmies found alive on other islands and there's no reason to burn your bible and renounce Christ as a result.

...unless you're a fundamentalist who thinks that every piece of news like this either must be shown to be an evil conspiracy or else the faith will die...but we're not, we're Reformed ;).
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