John Murray's lectures on Theology Proper

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Puritan Board Freshman

My first post I think so please excuse me if I get something wrong.

I was re-reading Frame's article about systematics and apologetics at Westminster last night (here: Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster - Reformed ... [Word doc]), and again I found Frame's references to 90 pages of detailed notes of Murray's lectures on Theology Proper (ie. the doctrine of God) fascinating. Again I spent longer than I should have googling in vain to try and find them.

Does anyone have a pdf of them they could share?

My first post I think so please excuse me if I get something wrong.

I was re-reading Frame's article about systematics and apologetics at Westminster last night (here: Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster - Reformed ... [Word doc]), and again I found Frame's references to 90 pages of detailed notes of Murray's lectures on Theology Proper (ie. the doctrine of God) fascinating. Again I spent longer than I should have googling in vain to try and find them.

Does anyone have a pdf of them they could share?

I would recommend this in that many have run to the thinking that God has passions. I understand those that think such will say He (God) does not have such passions, but redefine the word passions to suit a faulty view of "Theology Proper".
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