
  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    Christian Truths Necessary for Salvation by Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622)

    What is necessary truth in relationship to the Gospel? Byfield explains what central truths surround the Gospel in an easy to understand format. Great for family worship! Christian Truths Necessary for Salvation by Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) (250 pages) Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) was a...
  2. Stowaway

    Dichotomism or Monism

    Grace and peace! I've been reading Anthony Hoekema's book Created in God's Image, which, in my overall opinion, is an excellent treatment of Christian anthropology. However, I just want to makes some observations about his analysis of the question between trichotomy or dichotomy. He rejects...
  3. M

    Anthropology of Religion apologetics

    Greetings, I'll be studying anthropology of religion as part of an International Relations curriculum starting next week. What articles can you recommend me that will apologetically engage the main topics that anthropology of religion will teach, especially those topics that will criticize...
  4. C

    Does the WCF teach Traducianism?

    Does the WCF teach traduciansim? In case some reading this don't know, there are two main views of our souls. Creationism is the view that God creates our souls and gives them to us directly (presumably at conception?). Traducianism is the view our souls are essentially passed to us from...
  5. C

    The Proper Way to Describe God, the Fall, and our Corrupted Soul?

    What is the proper way to describe the relationship between God, the Fall, and our corrupted souls? Why is the charge that "God creates us evil" illegitimate? I have some thoughts about this, but was hoping to clarify my thoughts. The context for this question is that my father-in-law was...