
  1. S

    Unity and Diversity of the Pentatech

    Hello, I hope this question makes sense, Should the pentateuch be seen as a single unit, or like any other collection of 5 books (say Issiah-Daniel or Romans-Ephesians)? Is the order of the books inspired or just the individual ones? Is it better to say the pentateuch is comprised of 5 books, or...
  2. pgwolv

    Was Amram Moses and Aaron's father or distant ancestor? Ex 6:20 vs. Num 3:17-19, 27-28

    I recently finished The Genesis Flood by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris, which was helpful in undoing some of the bias with which I had been educated while studying Genetics. In Appendix II, titled "Genesis 11 and the Date of the Flood," the authors argue that Genesis 11 need not be...
  3. RobertPGH1981

    Covenant Renewal classified as "Judaizers"

    In my ESV Study bible under Chapter 2 it outlines what it calls "Spectrum of Early Beliefs about How Christians Should Relate to the Law of Moses". I suppose when the study bible refers to the law of Moses it really is focused on the Ceremonial Law (ie. Circumcision, Burnt Offering). I recognize...
  4. Office Hours

    Office Hours with S.M. Baugh: Hebrews 1

    In this episode, Office Hours continues with the Season 4 series entitled "Jesus is Really Better" on the Epistle to the Hebrews. This episode features Dr. S.M. Baugh, Professor of New Testament, who explains Hebrews 1 and offers guidance when reading (or better, hearing) the letter as a whole...