puritan sermons

  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: Christ’s Compassion in Our Trials by John Durant (1620-1686)

    Christ’s Compassion in Our Trials by John Durant (1620-1686) John Durant (1620-1686) was a popular independent puritan minister, and was described by Edmund Calamy as an excellent practical preacher of the word of God. “Christ’s Compassion in Our Trials” is a weighty exploration of the...
  2. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: ALL OUT WAR - Covering Christopher Love's Book on Spiritual Warfare - McMahon

    ALL OUT WAR Dr. McMahon has taken Christopher Love’s excellent book, “The Christian’s Combat Against the Devil,” and composed and arranged songs chapter by chapter using Love’s content. Each chapter is distilled to its primary message and set to music in the style of 1980s-1990s metal rock...
  3. C. Matthew McMahon

    UPDATED BOOK: A Treatise on Irresistible Grace and Other Sermons – by John Preston (1587-1628)

    A Treatise on Irresistible Grace and Other Sermons By John Preston (1587-1628) John Preston D.D. (1587–1628) was an English puritan minister of the church, and master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He was a firm Calvinist, practical preacher, and was highly esteemed by Richard Sibbes and...
  4. C. Matthew McMahon

    Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) Comes to Life and Explains His Book on Christian Worship

    One of the best works on Christian worship ever written gently updated for the modern reader. Check out the work here in both eBook and Printed form.
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK on Hints and Helps to Personal Devotions Explained by Thomas Harrison (1618-1682)

    Spiritual Logic or Hints and Helps to Personal Devotions by Thomas Harrison D.D. (1618–1682) Thomas Harrison D.D. (1618–1682) was a nonconformist divine and powerful preacher of the Gospel, who was well known for his eloquence and fluency both in prayer and preaching. In this wonderful...
  6. Travis Fentiman

    Commentaries on the Heidelberg Catechism, a Collection Online

    As the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) is the most experiential, savory and devotional of the Reformation doctrinal standards, so are the commentaries and sermons on it. We have collected over 40 of these works (about 30 of them are fully online), including study guides and devotionals, new and old...
  7. jamessh1990

    Rare sermons of Thomas Boston now in print

    Ettrick Press has recently published a volume of rare sermons by Thomas Boston. The volume contains 28 sermons, none of which were included in his collected works, and three have been transcribed from Mss. so appear for the first time in print. You can read more or purchase here...
  8. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: The Great Mystery of God’s Providence by George Gifford (1547-1620)

    The Great Mystery of God’s Providence, and Other Works by George Gifford (1547-1620) George Gifford (1547-1620) was known as a fiery preacher of the Gospel, a thorough exegete of God’s word, one who filled his sermons and works with practical exactness, while being eminently simple to...
  9. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK and PURITAN: Ralph Brownrigg (1592-1659) on Repetnance and Prayer

    Repentance and Prayer by Ralph Brownrig (1592–1659) Ralph Brownrig (1592–1659) was hailed as one of the greatest lights in the church in his day, was an excellent preacher, a rigid Calvinist, and was nominated to the Westminster Assembly (though he didn't attend). The work is divided into four...
  10. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK and "NEW" PURITAN: Discovering the Glorious Love of Christ by John Durant (1620-1686)

    When you have finished reading this work by Durant, if you soak in even a measure of what he explains, you will come away with being lovesick for the Savior. Discovering the Glorious Love of Christ by John Durant (1620-1686) John Durant (1620-1686) was a popular independent puritan minister...
  11. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW: Faith, Election and the Believer’s Assurance by George Gifford (1547-1620)

    Faith, Election and the Believer’s Assurance by George Gifford (1547-1620) George Gifford (1547-1620) was a most excellent puritan divine described as a fiery Gospel preacher, learned and able, being a great enemy to popery. In this Scriptural exhortation and teaching on 2 Peter 1:1-11...
  12. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW: A Treatise of the Loves of Christ to His Spouse by Westminster Divine Samuel Bolton (1606-1654)

    "A top-notch, soul-encouraging, biblically-rich and God-glorifying work on Christ's ravishing love for his spouse on Song of Songs 4:9." - McMahon A Treatise of the Loves of Christ to His Spouse by Samuel Bolton, D.D. (1606-1654) Samuel Bolton, D.D. (1606-1654) was a Westminster divine and...
  13. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW: Westminster Divine John Jackson's (1600-1648) The Doctrine of Man’s Future Eternity

    The Doctrine of Man’s Future Eternity by John Jackson (1600-1648) John Jackson (1600-1648) was a Westminster Puritan divine with a hearty theological intellect, and tender pastoral understanding. In this work, Jackson lays down biblically the doctrine of eternity, and the importance of man’s...
  14. C. Matthew McMahon

    Zeal for God’s House Quickened by Oliver Bowles B.D. (1574-1664?)

    Mr. Bowles, in this excellent and stirring treatise, fights diligently against false and hypocritical, zeal. He, instead, in this famous address, sets down the biblical zeal of a true reformer. Zeal for God’s House Quickened by Oliver Bowles B.D. (1574-1664?) Oliver Bowles B.D. (1574-1664?)...
  15. C. Matthew McMahon

    Discerning the Signs of the Times and the Church’s Reformation by Samuel Willard (1640-1707)

    Discerning the Signs of the Times and the Church’s Reformation by Samuel Willard (1640-1707) Samuel Willard (1640-1707) was a reformed preacher of the Gospel in the old South Boston Church in New England, president of Harvard University, and one of the great Protestant ministers of his day...
  16. C. Matthew McMahon

    Taking Hold of Eternal Life in Christ by George Gifford (1547-1620)

    George Gifford is one of those puritan preachers that most are not familiar with, but ought to be. He is a storehouse of biblical sweetness, and draws out the truths surrounding the Lord Jesus Christ in his work and merit of salvation to the praise of God’s glorious grace. Taking Hold of...
  17. C. Matthew McMahon

    Primitive Baptism by Matthew Sylvester (1636–1708)

    Primitive Baptism and Therein Infant’s and Parent’s Rights by Matthew Sylvester (1636–1708) Matthew Sylvester (1636–1708) was a nonconformist divine, a meek and spirited Reformed preacher, and scholarly linguist. This wonderful work by Matthew Sylvester is an exegetical triumph of proper...
  18. C. Matthew McMahon

    Christ's Directives on the Nature of True Worship by Arthur Hildersham (1563-1631)

    Christ's Directives on the Nature of True Worship by Arthur Hildersham (1563-1631) Arthur Hildersham (1563-1631) was a shining light in the puritan party, and celebrated for his exemplary learning and piety as a minister of Jesus Christ. This work is an abridged version of Arthur Hildersham’s...
  19. C. Matthew McMahon

    5 Marks of Biblical Reformation by C. Matthew McMahon (Book 4 in the Series)

    5 Marks of Biblical Reformation by C. Matthew McMahon Everybody loves to claim the magisterial reformation for their own! Everyone wants to be a reformer in that way. But take God’s principles of a Biblical Reformation and apply them to the church in practical daily living, then that’s a...
  20. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Art of Divine Meditation by Edmund Calamy (1600-1666)

    The Art of Divine Meditation by Edmund Calamy (1600-1666) Edmund Calamy (1600-1666) was a Reformed Presbyterian preacher of the Gospel and one of the distinguished members of the Westminster Assembly. He was active to promote Reformed Theology in his day and was an eminent scholar of the Bible...
  21. C. Matthew McMahon

    Christopher Love's Last Unpublished and Rare Work - Now Available

    The Christian’s Duty and Safety in Evil Times by Christopher Love (1618-1651) "Love is without a doubt, one of my favorites writers of all time. Eminently biblical and exceedingly practical. This new work is a gem in both regards." - Dr. McMahon Christopher Love (1618-1651) was a fiery and...
  22. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Christian's Charge NEVER to Offend God in Worship

    Would you like to grow in your reverence to God during public and private worship? God's Will. God's Rules. God's People. God's Worship. John Forbes explains 1 Timothy 3:13-16 to churches that claim to uphold true worship, but may be missing the mark. This is an amazingly powerful work for...
  23. C. Matthew McMahon

    New Puritan Biographies Updated

    Here are a number of Puritan Biographies Updated at APM. They list a bio, picture (if available) and their works, and they link to all the known works of that individual online: Adoniram Byfield (1602-1660) Benjamin Rudyerd (1572–1658) George Morley (1598–1684) Charles Herle (1598–1659) John...
  24. C. Matthew McMahon

    Have You Ever Thought About How Sin Actually Affects Your Soul?

    The Affects of Sin on the Soul – by John Dod (1549-1645). John Dod (1549-1645) was a learned Reformed minister and puritan, an exquisite Hebrew scholar, and a most pious divine. In an expanded treatise on 2 Samuel 24, Dod explains David’s grievous sin of numbering the people against the direct...