
  1. B

    Paedo-Baptism Answers I read through the Baptism book I was recommended yesterday, and have a few points of clarification.

    I have 2 categories of question; the first is points of clarification, the second is points which I see as necessarily supporting the credo position. However, I'm only going to post the points of clarification in this post, so that I can understand better and perhaps answer some of my own...
  2. Christian Teegardin

    Metal Music, and the Confusion I am Experiencing (A Question)

    (If this thread needs to be moved, move it.) I am not sure if this is a spiritual battle I am fighting here, or if I am overthinking this whole thing. :( I am ashamed to admit that I love metal. I love the complex instrumentation, the composition, and the talent that is put into the works...
  3. warrenchua

    First Time Writing/Publishing a Book Questions

    Hi all, (this is my first post). Anyone here who can recommend a good publisher? I am currently writing a book, but I need some guidance to it: * Which publisher should I choose for first time authors like me? * Do I need agents to help me publish? * What if I don't have all those...