1950s Education on "Homosexuals"

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Puritan Board Doctor
I only got to the part where the guy patted the kid on the shoulder. Couldn't watch anymore of it, too creepy.
I wouldn't call it fear mongering either. I believe it was cultural, that's how people (with some justification and some non-truth) viewed homosexuals in the 1950s. Homosexual acts where not legalized in Britain until 1959 and the United States until the early 70's, and even after that it was still considered unnatural. From a personal social aspect most men I am around who are not Christians, or nominally, or any number of answers who may even say that they are for gay marriage or comfortable with gay men really don't seem to be telling the truth, I'm not saying we should treat them as lepers, we the church should love them and witness to them in truth and love.

At the same time I take the same position Dr. Albert Mohler takes, that people have deep inward struggles with the temptation and that they may be saved and set free by the blood of Christ and can say "We where that, now we are not".
I am not saying Homosexuality is justifiable, it is not. Both the New Testament and Old Testament condemn it. And it's not an issue we should wavier on or keep silent on. But that video suggests homosexuals are prone to be pedophiles, kidnappers, and murders (as if that's what they do in their spare time). AND because it is an "unseen" illness, you can never know for sure. That creates a culture of fear of everyone. Yes homosexuality is a big issue of our time, but what about fornication (which is more prevalent), liberalism, or ABORTION!
Well California has mandatory "homosexual history" now in its public schools, but I'm sure it won't be anything like this.
But that video suggests homosexuals are prone to be pedophiles, kidnappers, and murders (as if that's what they do in their spare time).
And this has been disproven? Please don't make me post statistics that prove undeniably otherwise. The effort would be sickening.
The video may be a little creepy and clearly a little over the top, but at least they still understood back then that homosexuality is anything but a normal, healthy, and legitimate lifestyle.
fornication (which is more prevalent), liberalism, or ABORTION!

This video was made in the 50's, abortion was illegal, even Democrats where somewhat conservative, fornication was still around however it wasn't promoted and I imagine it was done in lesser numbers (some studies have said otherwise but I really have a hard time believing it), there may be quit a few films from the 50's on fornication, and when people did fornicate they usually where well more off into life, not losing their virginity as teenagers (and no this does not justify it).

You make a good point with the rest though.

So clearly from a different era. No one wears seat belts!

It's still legal to not wear a seat belt for anybody over the age of 18 in New Hampshire :lol:.
But that video suggests homosexuals are prone to be pedophiles, kidnappers, and murders (as if that's what they do in their spare time).
And this has been disproven? Please don't make me post statistics that prove undeniably otherwise. The effort would be sickening.

1) Forgive me for my ignorance (and being a pain in the butt) but I have never seen nor heard such statistics, so please share them.
2) I believe homosexuals are not excluded from God's grace and dare I say, His elect. The thinking of that video, does not encourage Christians to show grace and love to gay people.
3) Scripture condemns homosexuality, but where exactly does it link homosexuality to such other offences like murder, and kidnapping?
4) Statistically, far fewer Whites are in prison then Hispanics or Blacks. Whites have been far more innovative (inventing cars, light bulbs, planes, the internet, phones, etc...), and have seemed to create the most powerful and prosperous nations in history. I'm interested if you make anything out of that, given the statistics?

---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

Thoughts anybody?

Is it really fear mongering?

Would you consider Dr. White's interview with Dr. Brown fear mongering?

Today on the Dividing Line: Dr. Michael Brown and <i>A Queer Thing Happened to America</i>

Is the video? Yes
Is the radio broadcast? No

However, Mr. Brown is wrong when he says homosexuality is the greatest issue of our time. In America, one million baby boys and girls who are created in the image of God are murdered before they are born, 60-100,000 are in Canada, millions more in Europe EVERY YEAR and some Christians honestly think cultural acceptance of homosexuality is more important? That is disgraceful.
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And this has been disproven? Please don't make me post statistics that prove undeniably otherwise. The effort would be sickening.

and this,

The video may be a little creepy and clearly a little over the top, but at least they still understood back then that homosexuality is anything but a normal, healthy, and legitimate lifestyle.
2) I believe homosexuals are not excluded from God's grace and dare I say, His elect. The thinking of that video, does not encourage Christians to show grace and love to gay people.

Do you believe that homosexuals may continue in homosexuality after there conversion, i.e. no want or desire to repent?

I believe, and hopefully everybody here, that we are no better than them, I am guilty of theft, lies, mental adultery (lust), and mental murder (hate), but by the grace of God and His love and kindness he saved me through the blood of Christ, and I believe homosexuals have been, are being, and will be saved, and I love them, and hope that they would be.
It is amazing how gracious God is to us. To think that He called us out of darkness, out of our depravity and sinfulness, to give us life...gives me shivers. But it is also startling how often those of us He calls, can show so little grace to others, who we were once like.

---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

2) I believe homosexuals are not excluded from God's grace and dare I say, His elect. The thinking of that video, does not encourage Christians to show grace and love to gay people.

Do you believe that homosexuals may continue in homosexuality after there conversion, i.e. no want or desire to repent?

I believe, and hopefully everybody here, that we are no better than them, I am guilty of theft, lies, mental adultery (lust), and mental murder (hate), but by the grace of God and His love and kindness he saved me through the blood of Christ, and I believe homosexuals have been, are being, and will be saved, and I love them, and hope that they would be.

They may not be rid of it in an instant, but eventually I would think by God working in them, He would change their desires to lead them to repentance.
Amen, to the rest of what you said!
The video seemed to be more about sexual predators than mere homosexuals. But homosexuality is a form of deviance not unlike others. All things considered (time, and culture) I think it was a good and helpful video. It is unfortunate that today even evangelical Christians recoil from how sin was treated half a century ago and are apathetic to its normalization today.
Let's not forget that this sin and all other kind of sins are Judgments against man from God. Because man will not honor God, God dishonors man by giving man up to their desires of their heart and a reprobate mind. It's amazing. It's very scary to know that men are more influenced by the Judgments of God rather than the freedom of their own choice.

Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
Rom 1:19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.
Rom 1:20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
Rom 1:21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,
Rom 1:25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature;
Rom 1:27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Rom 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Rom 1:29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips,
Rom 1:30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
Rom 1:32 Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
1) Forgive me for my ignorance (and being a pain in the butt) but I have never seen nor heard such statistics, so please share them.
You're a young guy, and a Canadian, so I will assume the statistics proving the facts that sodomites are far more prone to pedophilia and sexual predation have been hidden from you by the self-appointed social engineers who would have you believe otherwise so as to promote the societal acceptance of this sin. If you spend a little time in research, you will easily find that information. I have no desire to do that research for you. It is a disgusting subject.
2) I believe homosexuals are not excluded from God's grace and dare I say, His elect. The thinking of that video, does not encourage Christians to show grace and love to gay people.
Nobody here has asserted anything contrary to the first sentence, and I fail to see how warning children against some of the strategies of pedophiles produces what you assert in the second. If I warn people against sending their bank account info to someone claiming via email they are going to deposit a million dollars into it, am I 'not encouraging' christians to show grace and love to internet thieves?
3) Scripture condemns homosexuality, but where exactly does it link homosexuality to such other offences like murder, and kidnapping?
Nobody asserted it did. It doesn't state that an email inquiry for your bank account info is suspect, either. Not certain of your point.
4) Statistically, far fewer Whites are in prison then Hispanics or Blacks. Whites have been far more innovative (inventing cars, light bulbs, planes, the internet, phones, etc...), and have seemed to create the most powerful and prosperous nations in history. I'm interested if you make anything out of that, given the statistics?

Sounds like you perhaps make something of it. But if you are now conceding as fact (that sodomites are statistically more prone to pedophilia, etc.) what you earlier denied by making this statement, it appears you are far more confused than you seemed at first. I'm not sure who or what connected these subjects in your mind, but it may behoove you to determine the source and eradicate it. They have done you a disservice to convince you that the racial makeup of prison populations, innovators, or nations is in any way related to the behaviors of sodomites.
To respond in an augmentative way will probably not do any good, and will give me a harder time falling asleep. :p

If I have been wrong, Lord forgive me.
Murder of Jesse Dirkhising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So disturbing, both the crime and the lack of coverage.

I do think the video was a little over the top and lacking in sophistication, but I think that statistics will also tell you that most often paedophilia is: #1 - a crime in which the recidivism rate is incredibly high, #2 - most often practiced by men on boys. Is there not a connection there with homosexuality?
While these men are shown as homosexuals, given all the people they were trying to pick up were young boys, but that is exactly what many pedophiles do, be they homosexual or not.

I noticed more that aspect than the homosexual side that they were men and young boys..it would be just as creepy if it were the same men w/ young girls..
All men are depraved and capable of all depravities, although in practice each man may be more inclined to certain depravities than others. It makes sense that one sexual sin would help loosen the restraints on other sexual sins. However, it is not necessarily helpful to focus too much attention on specific links we see, but rather on the overall sinful nature of man. We must never let society affect our witness of God's holiness. It's important to not go quiet on the sinfulness of certain sins. But Christianity already seems to have gone quiet in many areas. We should be vocal against all sexual depravity.
Here are a few observations to help in getting a perspective on homosexuality.

First, is homosexuality related to pedophilia? It depends on the legal definition of age of consent doesn't it. Whether society calls you gay or a pervert depends on how many days old your partner is. Homosexuality is sex-abuse. It is the wrong use of a beautiful and blessed thing. We rob God of his glory and blaspheme His Word. Doesn't divorce and adultery do the same thing? Yes, indeed.

Secondly, the perversion of homosexuality is in no way lessened because it's no worse than other sins. What a silly way to approach the argument. God condemned Satan and Adam for just one small inclination, one simple consideration that there is order outside of the Godhead. Homosexuality is a blatant, militant assault against Divine order.

Thirdly, nobody gets to choose his temptation. We are born in iniquity. We all have a bent toward sin. The easiest way to deal with temptation is to give in and most of mankind follows the path of least resistance. The difference between being merely human and truly human is that the believer has been enabled to resist temptation and will seek to glorify God by fulfilling his purpose and order and thereby becoming truly human.

Fourthly, we have all sinned but from a cultural standpoint the problem is the calloused inability to feel shame. Hollywood is a culture that has suppressed all shame and it sells that suppression with nearly every means of entertainment it produces. The homosexual ought to respond with resistance of temptation, shame, seeking God's mercy and glorifying God in his body. Most homosexuals, instead, demand not only acceptance and tolerance of their sex-abuse but demand we endorse sex-abuse.

I am a sinner. I need a savior. I am ashamed of my sin. I in no way want you to accept or tolerate my sin. I will not try and justify it through political and social manipulation. I am ashamed. This is not the response of the homosexual who we are being asked to let into our churches and ordain them.

My message is dear homosexual, pedophile, drunk, thief, rapist, murderer, come to Jesus in repentance. He will not accept you as you are so come in repentance and cry out for mercy. No temptation has overcome you except what is common to man. All have sinned but God has made a way. There is no other savior.
Sin is a slippery slope. In the 1950's the video presented several cases which today are considered common place. We hear of child abductions all the time in the media, however, we rarely hear the backgrounds on the cases. Some are indeed related to sodomy, while others are not. The same could be said in the 1950's I presume. Would I say that all sodomites are child abusers, no. However the sin rarely stays in its original form. Sin grows and changes, which leads many sodomites into the realm of child abuse. I wouldn't consider the film fear mongering at all. It raises numerous valid points about dangerous situations and warns against sodomites who would have travelled down the road of depravity. We, in our modern world, take sodomy for granted and after having imbibed the worlds view we don't see it as the fearful thing it is (I would include other sins in this category also, i.e. adultery, theft, idolatry, etc.).

I found the early part of the film to be an excellent tutorial in predatory behavior. The pedophile utilizes the same techniques to gain the child’s trust and to introduce them to depraved behavior in a way that has lowered the child’s resistance. It is commonplace for pedophiles to act just like this while grooming a child to be a victim! Be warned parents and children.

Unlike many in our culture I have been exposed to the worst of the worst. I have read the material that is out there regarding these types of behavior and it is alarming! It is disturbing and a cause to bring each and every Christian to their knees before God. I would also fully agree with Mr. Vigneault who states "Fourthly, we have all sinned but from a cultural standpoint the problem is the calloused inability to feel shame. Hollywood is a culture that has suppressed all shame and it sells that suppression with nearly every means of entertainment it produces." We need to unplug from our culture and get plugged back into God's Word.
1) Forgive me for my ignorance (and being a pain in the butt) but I have never seen nor heard such statistics, so please share them.
You're a young guy, and a Canadian, so I will assume the statistics proving the facts that sodomites are far more prone to pedophilia and sexual predation have been hidden from you by the self-appointed social engineers who would have you believe otherwise so as to promote the societal acceptance of this sin. If you spend a little time in research, you will easily find that information. I have no desire to do that research for you. It is a disgusting subject.
2) I believe homosexuals are not excluded from God's grace and dare I say, His elect. The thinking of that video, does not encourage Christians to show grace and love to gay people.
Nobody here has asserted anything contrary to the first sentence, and I fail to see how warning children against some of the strategies of pedophiles produces what you assert in the second. If I warn people against sending their bank account info to someone claiming via email they are going to deposit a million dollars into it, am I 'not encouraging' christians to show grace and love to internet thieves?
3) Scripture condemns homosexuality, but where exactly does it link homosexuality to such other offences like murder, and kidnapping?
Nobody asserted it did. It doesn't state that an email inquiry for your bank account info is suspect, either. Not certain of your point.
4) Statistically, far fewer Whites are in prison then Hispanics or Blacks. Whites have been far more innovative (inventing cars, light bulbs, planes, the internet, phones, etc...), and have seemed to create the most powerful and prosperous nations in history. I'm interested if you make anything out of that, given the statistics?

Sounds like you perhaps make something of it. But if you are now conceding as fact (that sodomites are statistically more prone to pedophilia, etc.) what you earlier denied by making this statement, it appears you are far more confused than you seemed at first. I'm not sure who or what connected these subjects in your mind, but it may behoove you to determine the source and eradicate it. They have done you a disservice to convince you that the racial makeup of prison populations, innovators, or nations is in any way related to the behaviors of sodomites.

As I was laying in bed, I came up with at least two things I probably have done wrong. For starters I did not communicate clearly, and I might have read something into your first quote that simply was not there (correct me if I am wrong).

In my second post I was trying to say I thought that the video seemed to make it sound as if most homosexuals were pedophiles, kidnappers, and murders. I didn't do that well...
You are saying most pedophiles are homosexual, yes? Not that most homosexuals are pedophiles?
Because in the first case, I agree. If the later, well...I don't.

And I'll only respond to your response to my #4 (because I think were in a agreement?). My intention was not to portray you (or myself) as racist, sorry if it cam across that way. I was actually counting on the fact that you are not racist, so despite those "statistics" you knew the implications some try to use them for, is wrong. So statistics in and of them-selves are not the be all and end all, they can be misleading at times. That is what I was unsuccessfully trying to convey.

So I apologize for my lack of clear writing, and reading things into your words that are there (I hope).
In my second post I was trying to say I thought that the video seemed to make it sound as if most homosexuals were pedophiles, kidnappers, and murders. I didn't do that well...
You are saying most pedophiles are homosexual, yes? Not that most homosexuals are pedophiles?
Because in the first case, I agree. If the later, well...I don't.
Keith, you said in the post that the video suggests homosexuals are prone to be pedophiles, kidnappers, and murderers. Prone is an indefinite word. I believe it is proven by historical record that as compared to the general heterosexual population, sodomites are more prone to pedophilia. And as a percentage of those two populations, more prone to kidnapping as well. Murder I'm not so sure. I wouldn't even venture to say that most pedophiles are sodomites, since the word most indicates a numerical quantity. I am certain there are far more heteros than sodomites in the world, so it may well be that numerically there are more hetero pedophiles. I don't know. So I'm not saying all, most, or any specific percentage, only that they are more prone. And that statistical evidence has been borne out by what I've witnessed in the course of my life.
So I apologize for my lack of clear writing, and reading things into your words that are there (I hope).
Your apology is accepted, brother. I was not offended, but if you felt the need to apologize, I want to be sure you know there is no offense being harbored against you.
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