I don't remember the exact date the first issue hit, but 2020 marks thirty-two years that Naphtali Press books have been coming off the press. Since I did not have Durham on Scandal ready I decided to start a serial (quarterly for three years and then an annual for two years before ending it) called An Anthology of Presbyterian and Reformed Literature. I finally had Durham ready in 1990 and 30 years ago late April or a bit earlier don't recall, copies were available. Those first efforts were a little rough by comparison to the titles that have been coming out in the last ten years, but it was a learning experience. A long learning experience. I didn't publish something every year; there were long gaps, but I was always dabbling and working on some project, some like Bownd's True Doctrine of the Sabbath and the Westminster Assembly's Grand Debate began in the early 1990s and didn't see print until 2014-2015.