A better way for approving posts?

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Puritan Board Graduate
I understand the need for some kind of screening on "hot topics" such as translations and manuscripts. I have seen some of the fire-fights. However waiting for hours to get a response looked at and approved is, to say the least frustrating and counter-productive to debate.

Could such posts be automatically flagged to the message boxes of all Moderators, thus allowing a more expeditious clearing?

I understand the need for some kind of screening on "hot topics" such as translations and manuscripts. I have seen some of the fire-fights. However waiting for hours to get a response looked at and approved is, to say the least frustrating and counter-productive to debate.

Could such posts be automatically flagged to the message boxes of all Moderators, thus allowing a more expeditious clearing?


It's not a matter of flagging, Bob. We see when posts are queued up. It's more a matter of reviewing the thread and the particular post, while checking up on other threads, dealing with issues here and there, and, oh--I almost forgot--doing our daily work.

Also, waiting for hours is not necessarily counter-productive to debate. Some of the greatest debates in history were conducted by mail. People waited months, sometimes, in their correspondence. It forced them to be thoughtful. I personally tend to think that delay allows for greater reflection and perhaps reworking of thoughts and style. It certainly allows us to review thoughtfully as well.

So, the short answer is, no, they won't be flagged. Patience, my friend.
Let's just play chess without the clock. It might be faster but it won't be as thought out or be as procuctive.
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