A far right denomination????

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Originally posted by Richard King
Hmmm don't know what to think of this...

Ann Coulter: Leader of the Religious Right?
Political Cortex - New York,NY,USA
... What's more, the denomination of the church of which she claims to attend, is a tiny, far right denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America,


The author is Frederick Clarkson, longtime defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way against Reconstructionism and the Religious Right. He is basically identified with Planned Parenthood, Barry Lynn, etc., and I think he may have worked for Planned Parenthood at some point in the past. To someone like Clarkson, the fact that "the PCA still does not ordain women" is enough to put it in the same category as the Flat Earth Society.

Funny that Clarkson says that the PCA is a tiny far right denomination while at the same time saying for decades that Reconstructionism, which is far smaller, is a great menace.

If current trends continue, the PCA will be bigger than the PC(USA) in a few decades.
Let's hope that the PCA can clean up the denomination. I work with a few USAers and all 3 go to different churches and talke lavishly about thier pastor (all 3 have women 'pastors').

Originally posted by govols
Let's hope that the PCA can clean up the denomination. I work with a few USAers and all 3 go to different churches and talke lavishly about thier pastor (all 3 have women 'pastors').


Originally posted by govols
Let's hope that the PCA can clean up the denomination. I work with a few USAers and all 3 go to different churches and talke lavishly about thier pastor (all 3 have women 'pastors').


PCA does not ordain women. I think you are refering to the PCUSA.

PCA = Conservative Presbyterian
PCUSA = Liberal, Main-Line "Presbyterian"
I said it before I'll say it again...I love Ann Coulter. Now that I know she attends a PCA church I love her all the more.:bigsmile::cool:
Originally posted by houseparent
I said it before I'll say it again...I love Ann Coulter. Now that I know she attends a PCA church I love her all the more.:bigsmile::cool:

As you know I'm a Baptist, but ithis is exactly what I was thinking. I may have to buy her book...or at least check it out at the library. She seems like an awesome woman.

I say "seems" because I don't really know that much about her. I'm in the Stone Age in that I don't have cable. Maybe I should get it. I hear that you may soon be able to choose the stations you want. I hope that comes to past.
Some don't like her (including here) because she is "mean spirited". I don't agree. She's sarcastic and quick witted as am I. I fear that many who don't like Ann wouldn't like me if they knew me personally.:D

[Edited on 8-25-2006 by houseparent]
Originally posted by houseparent
Some don't like her (including here) because she is "mean spirited". I don't agree. She's sarcastic and quick witted as am I. I fear that many who don't like Ann wouldn't like me if they knew me personally.:D

[Edited on 8-25-2006 by houseparent]
I'm with ya, Adam...she's a quick one! I can't wait to read this!
Originally posted by Presbyrino
Originally posted by govols
Let's hope that the PCA can clean up the denomination. I work with a few USAers and all 3 go to different churches and talke lavishly about thier pastor (all 3 have women 'pastors').


PCA does not ordain women. I think you are refering to the PCUSA.

PCA = Conservative Presbyterian
PCUSA = Liberal, Main-Line "Presbyterian"

He is referring to the PCUSA. That's why he wrote "USAers".
Originally posted by houseparent
I said it before I'll say it again...I love Ann Coulter. Now that I know she attends a PCA church I love her all the more.:bigsmile::cool:

Though I mainly agree with what she says...and I enjoy listening to her from time to time. I can't stand outspoken, loudmouth women. It screams of feminism any way you cut it.

As far as the mean spiritedness...that's what makes her endearing.:)
In church I believe what the word of God tells us regarding the role of women. That said, I have always been attracted to strong, intelligent, well spoken women. Weak, over emotional, needy women have always made me run screaming from the room.:bigsmile:
Originally posted by SRoper
Apparently she goes to Redeemer, NYC.

This largely comes from an article where a reporter went there for her. In another article, a reporter asks some folks at Redeemer and they said they didn't know her. One of her parents is Presbyterian and the other Catholic.
Originally posted by mangum
Originally posted by Presbyrino
Originally posted by govols
Let's hope that the PCA can clean up the denomination. I work with a few USAers and all 3 go to different churches and talke lavishly about thier pastor (all 3 have women 'pastors').


PCA does not ordain women. I think you are refering to the PCUSA.

PCA = Conservative Presbyterian
PCUSA = Liberal, Main-Line "Presbyterian"

He is referring to the PCUSA. That's why he wrote "USAers".

The wording is confusing. PCA is to clean up which denomination?
I am guessing he means that he hopes that the PCA will clean up the "Presbyterian" "Denomination." Otherwise it makes no sense at all, instead of little sense.
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