A Good Word from Rutherford on the Law in the Covenant of Grace

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Charles Johnson

Puritan Board Junior
"And let Antinomians say, We are freed from the Law, as a Rule of holy walking, sure the Gospel and the Apostles command the very same duties in the Letter of the Gospel, that Moses commanded in the Letter of the Law; as, that children obey their parents, servants their masters; that we abstain from murder, hatred of our brother, stealing, defrauding, lying, etc. that we keep ourselves from idols, swearing, strange gods. I do not say, that these duties are commanded in the same way, in the Gospel, as in the Law: for, sure we are, out of a principle of evangelic love, to render obedience; and our obedience now is not legal, as commanded by Moses, in strict terms of Law, but as perfumed, oiled, honeyed, with the gospel-sense of remission of sins, the tender Love of God in Christ. So that we justly challenge two extreme ways, both blasphemous, as we conceive."
Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himself, p. 263
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