A Humble Argument for the Cessation of NT Prophecy and Tongues, Part 4

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Dr. Bob Gonzales

Puritan Board Junior

In Part 1 of this series, we noted that many believers today debate the question of whether God is continuing to confer on the NT church the the gifts of prophecy and tongues. We plan to develop an argument in favor of “cessationism” in the form of a logical syllogism:
Major Premise: All pre-parousia divinely authoritative special revelation has been completed and has, therefore, ceased.
Minor Premise: NT prophecy and tongues are forms of pre-parousia divinely authoritative special revelation.
Conclusion: Tongues and prophecy have ceased.
Our major premise rests on the assumption that the inscripturated revelation of the Old and New Testaments are the final form and goal of redemptive revelation. Therefore, with the completion of the canon of Scripture, pre-parousia special revelation has ceased. In Part 2, we identified a completed OT canon. In Part 3, we identified the parameters of a NT canon. We must now make the case that the completed Old and New Testament canons are the final form and goal of redemptive revelation.

The Cessation of Special Revelation: A Humble Argument for the Cessation of NT Prophecy and Tongues, Part 4

Your servant,
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