A mighty encouragement for faith

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (The Throne of Grace), Works 1:109:

Christ’s intercession stands in presenting his people, and their desires and wants, to the Father, for acceptance, and answers of peace. Both our persons and our prayers must be presented by this great High Priest, set over the house of God, Heb. 10:21, or no welcome, no acceptance. An Israelite, though he brought, might not offer the sacrifice on the altar; only the priest; and the high priest only must offer the great sacrifice for all Israel in the day of atonement. Christians must bring themselves, Rom. 12:1, and all their spiritual sacrifices; but Christ must present them, and we only by him, Heb. 13:15. What a mighty encouragement is there in this for faith? Our High Priest makes another thing of our sacrifices than we can. Believers often know not rightly their own case; Christ knows it exactly. Many of our prayers are mere mistakes. We complain, when we should praise; we ask what would do us hurt, and are unwilling to receive what would do us much good. Our Lord Jesus puts all to rights. He can say over our prayers rightly, he can make good sense of them, can purge them of their faults, can spy out any thing of his own Spirit in them, and, lastly, adds his own incense to them, Rev. 8:3. And thus are they accepted.
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