I think my husband had a joke about something like "The Last Baptist Church" and like "...if only it were true." But I can't be too sure of the denomination; it may have been something other than Baptist (and he had jokes about Presbyterians too, my favorite one being about when St. Peter takes a new group of believers up an elevator and the Presbyterians on one floor thinking they're the only ones there).
Below are the Churches & Teaching Elders that have joined Vanguard Presbyterian Church. Churches Grace Presbyterian ChurchRev. Thomas Joseph3829 Lorna Rd.Suite 320Hoover, AL 35242www.gpchoover.…
The New Life church and their minister are the group who left the Tillsonburg ARP church when there was division over covid protocols and presbytery involvement.
The article uses code words... "the late unpleasantness" is a code phrase for neo-confederates. It usually refers to Lincoln's War in 1861. Call the SPLC, call the ADL. This cannot be tolerated.
The article uses code words... "the late unpleasantness" is a code phrase for neo-confederates. It usually refers to Lincoln's War in 1861. Call the SPLC, call the ADL. This cannot be tolerated.
I'm no real friend of Vanguard, but Mr Roberts isn't using that phrase in the Civil War sense. I get the connotation of the phrase, but I don't think it applies here.
I didn't even know that it had gone away. Shows how out of the loop I am.
Is Vanguard thoroughly postmil/theonomic? If I recall correctly that's why the RPCUS left the PCA, because that presbytery wanted to insist on and theonomy wasn't allowed to.
I know one of the Vanguard ministers who was formerly PCA. I understood him to say once that he leaned toward theonomy but I don't know if he's totally onboard with it. But I haven't talked to him in a good while.
Based on the recent votes on controversial overtures, (I think that's the term--my Presbyterian polity is rusty) the National Partnership seems to have the upper hand in the South Louisiana Presbytery of the PCA. (Several ministers are named in the leaked emails.) A couple of congregations had previously left for Vanguard. Unless I'm confusing it with another presbytery, one or two votes made the difference. It may be safe to assume that it would have gone the other way if they would have stayed. So that's an example of the kind of ripple effect you see when congregations leave. (And I'm not saying that they should have stayed in case any of the folks I'm referring to are reading this! )