A Word from the Rev. Swinnock

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Staff member
A most excellent word of divinity & direction from the Rev. George Swinnock (Works, vol. 3, pp. 415-416):

Man’s greatest wisdom is to prepare for his dying hour, Deut. 32:29; Ps. 90:12. That the heart of religion consisteth in taking, not the world, but God, for your portion and happiness, Ps. 73:25; Mat. 22:35; 1 John 2:15. That profaneness ought to be avoided in yourselves, 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Gal. 5:19–21, and suppressed according to your places and powers in others, Rev. 2:2; 2 Chron. 15:16; Ps. 101:7; 1 Tim. 5:22. That the power of godliness ought chiefly to be minded and countenanced, 1 Tim. 4:8; 2 Tim. 3:5; John 4:24. That a holy, spiritual, not a fleshly, sensual life, is the way to heaven, Rom. 8:5, 13. That your children and servants ought to be instructed in the knowledge of God and Christ, of their misery and the means of their recovery, Gen. 18:19; Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4. That your houses should be churches, praying, reading, and singing families, Joshua 24:15; Ps. 101:2, 6, 7; Col. 3:16; Rom. 16:5; Jer. 10:25. And that the Lord’s day should be conscientiously observed, and devoted to the dearest Redeemer by secret, private, and public duties, Exod. 20:8; Is. 58:13; Acts 20:7; Rev. 1:10. These things are written, as with the beams of the sun, so clearly in the Scriptures, that if ye deny them, ye deny yourselves to be Christians, and profess yourselves to be infidels; I beseech you, therefore, in the name of the blessed Saviour, who redeemed you from your vain conversations with his own most precious blood, and for the sake of your immortal souls, which within a few days must throw their last cast for eternity, that your practices be answerable to such principles. For, believe me, it will be a dreadful thing another day, for your lives to give your consciences the lie at this day.​
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