Acknowledgment of Personal Misbehavior

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Puritan Board Freshman
I have behaved most sinfully and most immaturely on this board several times. I am haughty and wrathful, and I lack sufficient respect for my elders and my superiors.

Please forgive me and pray for me. Thank you.

Rest assured that if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just, to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (I Jn. 1:9).

I've done the same throughout my life in a variety of venues and the forgiveness of sins that accompanies proper confession (to God and whatever other parties we may need to speak to) is the sweetest thing there is (Psalm 32), together with learning more and more to die to such sin and to live to righteousness.

May the Lord fill you with a sense of the blessedness that accompanies His forgiveness of sin. And may you walk hereafter in renewed obedience, seeking to serve Him in all things.

I have behaved most sinfully and most immaturely on this board several times. I am haughty and wrathful, and I lack sufficient respect for my elders and my superiors.

Please forgive me and pray for me. Thank you.

I want to offer a word of encouragement. You posted this thread in the "The Pilgrim's Progress" forum. This is progress in action. Don't think that you're mastered by your sins or stuck in them--repent, trust in the promise of forgiveness, and press on in hope!
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