Adam Kae

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Puritan Board Doctor
Adam Kae is "an almost-forgotten Scottish Covenanting preacher" who was "a contemporary of Samuel Rutherford, [and] who ministered at Bogue in Galloway. He is said to have been the only minister in Scotland who warned against the miseries which would come on Scotland if she received Charles II as king following the execution of Charles I, and he was later imprisoned in Edinburgh for refusing to cease preaching when so ordered."

The quotations are from Douglas Taylor, from the book I Shall Not Die, But Live: Facing Death with Gospel Hope (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2016), p. 215. Taylor quotes from one of Kae's sermons. So, apparently, some of his sermons have survived.

Kae's name is new to me - completely unfamiliar. Googling around produced nothing on him (as far as I'm aware).

Any PBers know anything about Adam Kae?
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