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Puritan Board Doctor
I post on a board where many inmature believers post. I try to help in any way I can without being judgmental.

But look at this post!

Any responses would be appreciated as I am too angry to reply at this moment and may feel that way all day!

STEVE CASTO wrote this article on a very hot issue. He's got some great points - see what you think?

What do we do about PG-13 and R-rated movies are they good for us or not? Why don't most others have any problem watching them?

"Part of Maturity is understanding that most people in the world will not see things in the same way that you do."

We live in a culture that glorifies money, sex and violence. Our first inclination as a "holy people" is not to be tainted by the disgusting riff-raff around us. But WAIT !!!! Doesn't God love that disgusting riff-raff? If we quarantine ourselves from the rest of the world to the point that we don't understand their culture, how in the @#&! are we going to be able to reach them?

Entertainment could be considered the pulse of America. Hit movies are a hit for a reason. They strike a chord which is common to the sentiment of America. Do you want to know what's going on in the American heart? Go see a movie or listen to a new pop or rap song.

Most fears about entertainment stem from the propagandist view of "garbage in ... garbage out", which isn't even scriptural. There are a few scriptures that deal with this issue. The first is don't set before your eyes any unclean thing. The second is brothers whatever is pure, whatever is noble, ... if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things.

First let's understand God's heart. Why would God tell us to guard our hearts? It's because we are stupid sheep. We'll follow a juicy carrot right over the edge of a cliff. That answer is bull$#@+! WE HAVE THE MIND OF Christ ! WE HAVE THE INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT ! So, using logic we can deduce that Christ's mind is weak and the Holy Spirit is powerless to steer our hearts if we believe in that stupid sheep theory. Sure, I have a free will, but I choose to make every ounce of my being follow and love Christ. It is a choice based on a desire that God has given to me.

Ok, back to entertainment. Do I get a thrill from suspenseful, violent film? Sure. Am I going to kill someone right after the movie? NO. Do I think that the woman who got naked was pretty? Sure. Am I going to bag the first pretty woman I meet after the movie? NO ! Am I going to lust after women more? NO ! Am I sad for her lack of self-esteem and discretion? NO! I am pretty sure that she thinks nothing about being naked in front of other people and is fairly confident and proud that she looks good. Am I going to start using the F-word and GD and the S-word since it was in the movie? NO ! I learned that from my friends in the Army. I also learned that it was a vital part of communication at times when you wish to convey a point rather strongly. Another thing, they are four-letter-words. Their connotations are meaningless and yet have many meanings. In my opinion I feel that what comes out of the mouth has it's source in the heart. So, before we condemn those who use a foreign language that we consider vulgar; let's pray that God condemns those gosh-darn fornicating privateers of smut to burn in heck for making such offensive entertainment.

My point here is that we live in a world full of sin. I still sin more frequently than I would like to admit. Sure, I go to movies and listen to music that I enjoy; and yes, it would be offensive to some. But am I going to do what that entertainer is telling me to do? No. Is all vile entertainment an attack against christians to make them stumble? NO. What people write about is coming from their hearts. You can learn a lot about a person's heart by experiencing their art.

Most importantly ... LISTEN TO YOUR OWN HEART !!!!!!!! That which God is telling you is acceptable may not be acceptable for me and vice versa. All I ask is that I am not condemned for believing a certain way and that those around me would keep me in prayer so that I may be able to hear His voice and understand His Word.

Don't condemn the world for being worldly. Love them. That's what Jesus did.
That's pretty irritating.

It's just icing on the "whoa that's really annoying" cake when someone thinks they've got it all right as well.
I've been told that it's Gnostic to suggest that some books, music and movies are "worldly". Yes, we have the mind of Christ, but we've been told not to be conformed to this world, and to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, and to "love not the world". But that's just the world-system, they tell me. Problem is, the books, music and movies are conveyors of the "world-system". We should be cautious in our approach to these things. Frankly, too much of them just depresses me. I guess I'm a Gnostic!
Here's my whole summary on pretty much all "Christians in Culture" issues...

Christians should do what they want.
Christians should not worry about what they do...they should worry about what they want.

The more that I encounter God's Grace, Majesty, and Holiness, the less that I desire to spend any time or focus on trivial stuff. When I do look at trivial stuff (which I do, of course) I WANT it to glorify God.

It's the old "how far can I go and not sin?" question... the real issue is "how far do you WANT to go?"

We always look at the wrong "point of control".

Someone made this distinction...

Young Christians want to see how close to the pit they can get.

Older Christians want to run as fast as possible from it.
Loving the sin?

He seems to be using the command to love and minister to the sinner as an excuse to love and participate in the sin. Not that I am saying that watching any secular movie is a sin. But we do not need movies to tell us what the human nature wants or to help us relate to the unsaved populace. Its always been the same: "give me everything I want with no consequences." I don't see how Titanic will add any insight into that. And even if it did, we are not supposed to conform ourselves to the culture to reach the lost. Jesus never did.

He also seems to make the mistake of assuming that his feelings or desires for something are an appropriate measure of its suitability as a Christian activity.

That's my somewhat simplistic take on it. I agree that it is annoying indeed.
Arminianism, filthy language (even though psuedonyms are used) and contra-biblical.

This guy has no clue, does he?

"Most importantly ... LISTEN TO YOUR OWN HEART !!!!!!!!"
"Most importantly ... LISTEN TO YOUR OWN HEART !!!!!!!!"
"Most importantly ... LISTEN TO YOUR OWN HEART !!!!!!!!"

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
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