Alito Hearings

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Puritan Board Freshman
Anyone been keeping tabs on this? If so what do you think

Edited to fix Title Error

[Edited on 1-15-2006 by joshua]
I read in the Times that one senator said that Alito has to earn his confirmation, not just ride in on no nagative votes. That means he's already made it, if I understand US political "double talk" correctly.

[Edited on 1-13-2006 by JohnV]
Whatever happened to the time when "relatively easily confirmed" meant 90+ votes?
Originally posted by SRoper
Whatever happened to the time when "relatively easily confirmed" meant 90+ votes?

That only applied to Republicans who think that there are different standards of gentlemanliness for appointees like Alito and appointees like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The Dems are so transparent, exhibited by the Ginsberg hearings. They're banking on our instant gratification memory dumps.
Originally posted by non dignus
The Dems are so transparent, exhibited by the Ginsberg hearings. They're banking on our instant gratification memory dumps.

Absolutely. I wonder what is more in the "mainstream": being a member of a conservative alumni group, or chief counsel for a group that advocates adult/child sex, freedom of hardcore p0rnography, legalization of drugs, etc..?
That Junior Varsity Congress... The Supreme Court
Let us pray for the super 5 on the bench... that God would give them wisdom, and likewise pray that the other four will resign. None of them are perfect. Here, I am in agreement with Pat Robertson.

One can even find fault with Antonin Scalia on a few things... (e.g. Employment Division v. Smith) Of course, I would tend to favor another Robert Bork guy (but there is only one Bork,) or some crazed conservative curmageddon that wouldn't even acknowledge the incorporation doctrine.
Originally posted by fredtgreco
Originally posted by non dignus
The Dems are so transparent, exhibited by the Ginsberg hearings. They're banking on our instant gratification memory dumps.

Absolutely. I wonder what is more in the "mainstream": being a member of a conservative alumni group, or chief counsel for a group that advocates adult/child sex, freedom of hardcore p0rnography, legalization of drugs, etc..?
Originally posted by non dignus
The Dems are so transparent, exhibited by the Ginsberg hearings. They're banking on our instant gratification memory dumps.

Democrat Hypocrisy
Now, rewind that to the Ginsburg interrogation... Remember the Progress for America advertisement?

"You not only have a right to choose what you will answer and not answer, but in my view, you should not answer a question of what your view will be on an issue that clearly is going to come before the court in 50 different forms probably over your tenure on the court."
-Democratic Senator Joe Biden to Ruth Ginsburg, at her nomination hearing.

Biden Warps Ginsburg Precedent

Senator Biden's Curve Ball
They're focusing so much on Alito's views, and then out of the other side of their mouths they are making Roe vs. Wade almost a constitutional amendment. Alito is saying that he should be called upon to rule according to law, and the senate committee seems to question him as if law is going to depend on his personal views and values; but then turn around and make the personal views and values of the 1973 Supreme Court judges the law of the land, unchangeable. Its so confusing. That's not law; its imposition of a cultural norm, the very thing that the founders of the US rejected in forming the Constitution in the first place.

How can Canadians understand this? We also have a contradictory view of law, somehow believing that we are not legislated by judges, as in the US, but also not judged by the Parliament, as in England. But that's not true to reality. The judges here also make rulings as to what the Constitution means, to the point that they can make a 180 degree turn in law without thinking they are making a 180 degree turn in law. Example: Dr. Henry Morganthaler's charges of facilitating abortions resulted in the tossing out of abortion from the criminal code. In effect, instead of Morganthaler being on trial, the law way on trial. And the judges actually changed the constitution by that ruling. And they did so on the basis of the constitution. So what's the difference? America or Canada?
Roe vs Wade. " the feminists are shivering in their boots".

anyway I have one thing to pick with Alito for. That thing being his membership in CAP. Alito basically said, "He cannot recall ever being a member of that group", eventhough he wrote the name of the group on his resume. That too me was a blatant case of perjury. I would have preferred it, if he had admitted being a member (merely for the sake of being a conservative and enhacing his resume and networking abilities) of the group but not involved in of their bigotry.

For that, I'm even more indifferent towards him as well as suspicious. Conservatives have no fixed ideologies. They are simply traditionalists that end up slowly doing away with some of their traditions as these traditions become unpopular and politically incorrect.

case in point. Its 1776. A conservative would be supporting England. After America succesfully wins the Revolutionary War, the conservative then shifts his support to America.

1920. The issue of women's voting rights is dominating the nation. A conservative would be opposing this movement. But in a couple decades, he would be supporting this movement, even to the nominating of females in high places of their cabinets.

Its the 1950's. African Americans are battling against Jim Crow Laws of the South. A conservative would be for preserving the old order. "Preserving the way of life of the south". A couple decades later, Alan Keyes gets sent to India as U.S Ambassador by Reagan :bigsmile:

This is why I don't trust em, (neither do I trust the democrats) their position (conservatives) is one of a gradual slide towards liberalism, whilst liberalism in general is a wreckless pursuit into godlessness and unbelief.

Fact is, any membership into any conservative movement in 1976 (of which 1976 was merely 9 years removed from the Civil Rights Act), would raise great suspicions in me.
Originally posted by Slippery
Alito basically said, "He cannot recall ever being a member of that group", eventhough he wrote the name of the group on his resume. That too me was a blatant case of perjury.

Well I'm gonna play lawyer and say, one can only perjure themselves under oath in a court of law... it's politics; that is different ;) Stonewalling, double-dealing and hypocrisy are the norm, just ask Senator Biden.

"Poly-" equals "Many"
"Tics" equals "blood-sucking parasites"
Originally posted by Puritanhead
Originally posted by Slippery
Alito basically said, "He cannot recall ever being a member of that group", eventhough he wrote the name of the group on his resume. That too me was a blatant case of perjury.

Well I'm gonna play lawyer and say, one can only perjure themselves under oath in a court of law... it's politics; that is different ;) Stonewalling, double-dealing and hypocrisy are the norm, just ask Senator Biden.

"Poly-" equals "Many"
"Tics" equals "blood-sucking parasites"
Ask Senator Biden :D: You expect me to get a straight answer from a feckless democrat. "They oppose the Iraq war but yet they do not want immediate withdrawal". :lol:
Originally posted by Slippery
Originally posted by Puritanhead
Originally posted by Slippery
Alito basically said, "He cannot recall ever being a member of that group", eventhough he wrote the name of the group on his resume. That too me was a blatant case of perjury.

Well I'm gonna play lawyer and say, one can only perjure themselves under oath in a court of law... it's politics; that is different ;) Stonewalling, double-dealing and hypocrisy are the norm, just ask Senator Biden.

"Poly-" equals "Many"
"Tics" equals "blood-sucking parasites"
Ask Senator Biden :D: You expect me to get a straight answer from a feckless democrat. "They oppose the Iraq war but yet they do not want immediate withdrawal". :lol:

I've heard they totally reversed their earlier position...
before they were against the war, but for the troops
now they are against the troops, but for the war

(literally, as some are against giving the troops body armor.)

Flip-flop, waffle-waffle, I'm a little Democrat, short and stout, look and watch me sit with my foot in my mouth.
Originally posted by Puritanhead

Flip-flop, waffle-waffle, I'm a little Democrat, short and stout, look and watch me sit with my foot in my mouth.
:D:D:lol: they would lynch you in NYC for saying that, and they would also lynch me for being an accessory to your verbal conduct :lol:
If I were to prepare for an interview by Senator Biden all I would really need to do is practice my 'really concerned' facial expression.
Originally posted by Slippery
Originally posted by Puritanhead
Flip-flop, waffle-waffle, I'm a little Democrat, short and stout, look and watch me sit with my foot in my mouth.
:D:D:lol: they would lynch you in NYC for saying that, and they would also lynch me for being an accessory to your verbal conduct :lol:

Which is exactly why I am glad I don't live in NYC -- Republican mayor Giuliani notwithstanding...

"The mobs of the great cities add just so much to the support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution."
--Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, Q.XIX, 1782.
Originally posted by non dignus
If I were to prepare for an interview by Senator Biden all I would really need to do is practice my 'really concerned' facial expression.


I'm from Delaware... DUH... We got three counties, and two Senators, and a penchant for double-dealing.
Originally posted by JohnV
How can Canadians understand this? We also have a contradictory view of law, somehow believing that we are not legislated by judges, as in the US, but also not judged by the Parliament, as in England. But that's not true to reality. The judges here also make rulings as to what the Constitution means, to the point that they can make a 180 degree turn in law without thinking they are making a 180 degree turn in law.

The American law, and prevailing jurisprudence has really taken a hit due to legal positivism, legal formalism and legal realism, while we have lost sight of the real principles...

But the Canadian system has taken some big hits as well... they've really denigrated the English common law there. The Canadian Human Rights Commission and the largely warm and fuzzy teleocratic constitution (whereas rights are concerned) has supplanted the old nomocratic one... It has taken a toll on Canada. I read some of Canadian conservative William D. Gairdner's writings, and he expounds upon the extent of this culture crisis. I particularly like his book The Trouble with Democracy: A Citizen Speaks Out. They are really getting Orwellian with speech codes, anti-discrimination laws, hate speech, and religious expression, and political correctness... America isn't quite on same page as Canada in that arena, but getting there.

Than I could look back at home, and realize, we in the U.S. are straddling a sinking ship too. It's really a Western culture crisis. Just take a gander at the United Kingdom. I just finished the Hoover Institution's A Country I Do Not Recognize, edited by Robert Bork, earlier this week. Good book... will publish my review soon.

"œWhat secret knowledge, one must wonder, is breathed into lawyers when they become Justices of this Court, that enables them to discern a practice which the text of the Constitution does not clearly proscribe, and which our people have regarded as constitutional for 200 years, is in fact unconstitutional? "¦ Day by day, case by case, this court is busy designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize."
"”Justice Antonin Scalia
"œWhat secret knowledge, one must wonder, is breathed into lawyers when they become Justices of this Court, that enables them to discern a practice which the text of the Constitution does not clearly proscribe, and which our people have regarded as constitutional for 200 years, is in fact unconstitutional? "¦ Day by day, case by case, this court is busy designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize."
"”Justice Antonin Scalia

"Hey come on! It's boring living in the shadow of Madison and the 'Miracle in Philadelphia'. I will ascend and be like the most high...."

Some U.S. presidents have been bashed for just being 'Caretaker Presidents'. But the mark of a great Justice, on the other hand, is being a faithful custodian, a Caretaker Justice.
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