All of Spurgeons Sermons now in Audio Book Form - Free Listen/Download.

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Nice project. Could have given him a proper English accent though!
They could have. But as I also noticed with the person that has been doing the Narrated Puritan for 30 or so years. They seem to be paying tribute to the workers who have labored thus far, doing these recordings, prior to this technology; by using their voices as a way to commemorate them. Like the gentleman for Spurgeons Sermons, and the gentleman of the Narrated Puritan for Puritan books. Before this tech, the guy that did Spurgeons Sermons did 500 over 30 years. The Narrated Puritan guy has done over 2,000 selections in the same amount of time, though not full-length books. With the AI tech, they can take their voices, and have it read the text of how ever many books or sermons they wish to dictate from now on.
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I would never have thought it possible, but there it is. There really is no excuse for ignorance.

The other day I listened to a Ryle sermon with an English accent and thought I could have been listening to him. No cognitive dissonance at all.
I am currently listening to The Wondrous Covenant due to seeing the OP. I recall Ligon Duncan quoting Mr Spurgeon's opening remarks on the difference between the covenants of works and grace in one of his books. Thanks for bringing this great resource to our attention, Dave.
I would never have thought it possible, but there it is. There really is no excuse for ignorance.

The other day I listened to a Ryle sermon with an English accent and thought I could have been listening to him. No cognitive dissonance at all.
I wouldnt surmise the accent should matter much, unless we read peoples works in their accent to ourselves.
They could have. But as I also noticed with the person that has been doing the Narrated Puritan for 30 or so years. They seem to be paying tribute to the workers who have labored thus far, doing these recordings, prior to this technology; by using their voices as a way to commemorate them. Like the gentleman for Spurgeons Sermons, and the gentleman of the Narrated Puritan for Puritan books. Before this tech, the guy that did Spurgeons Sermons did 500 over 30 years. The Narrated Puritan guy has done over 2,000 selections in the same amount of time, though not full-length books. With the AI tech, they can take their voices, and have it read the text of how ever many books or sermons they wish to dictate from now on.
Oh yes his has been a labour of love for a long time. (I'm only joking about the accent thing too, you're right it's not what's important.)
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