Already not/yet new creation

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Puritan Board Professor
Of course we have indwelling sin and seek to put to death the old man but, in what sense are we already a new creation at regeneration and faith aside from relationally and judicially?
Of course we have indwelling sin and seek to put to death the old man but, in what sense are we already a new creation at regeneration and faith aside from relationally and judicially?
Our minds are enlightened in the knowledge of the truth, and our wills are renewed, so that the general inclination of our wills is toward love and obedience.
Romans 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Our souls are encased in sinful flesh, our minds believe lies, and so our spirit does not see as we ought to but through a veil, through a glass half dimly. Ephesians 2:6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. When we crucify the body of death, we shall see that we are already seated in the heavens, breathing heavens air as it were and wondering how we were so foolish to believe so many lies and that God indeed saved a sinner like I. Pauls statement i have been crucified with Christ, is both positional and actual (the wroughting of that positional reality in the soul of believer in sanctification), for my being crucified with Christ is wrought in me by the Spirit of God, wherein i carry that heavy cross up to Calvary and then jump on it, yeah both hands and feet, and the flesh being mortified, i am now above the earth and can see clearly, being in the Spirit, above the earth like a dove.
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