Marrow Man
Drunk with Powder
So says this guy, with this catchy tune:
The singer is William Tapley, "also known as Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and The Co-Prophet of the End Times." He apparently has a penchant for filming videos near obscure bodies of water.
But believe it or not, this guy isn't a dispensationalist evangelical -- he's Roman Catholic! From the bio page on Youtube:
Here's his Youtube Channel for all interested.
The singer is William Tapley, "also known as Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and The Co-Prophet of the End Times." He apparently has a penchant for filming videos near obscure bodies of water.
But believe it or not, this guy isn't a dispensationalist evangelical -- he's Roman Catholic! From the bio page on Youtube:
When I retired in 2001 I fully expected to enjoy full time my avocations of bass fishing and making sculpture. The long, cold Adirondack winters also afforded me a lot of time to renew my interest in the Holy Bible and that's when I discovered I have a unique gift to understand the end times prophecies of Daniel, Esther, Ezekiel, Revelation etc. Not that interpretation is always obvious and so when I have doubts I stop and pray about it, usually Mary's Rosary (I am a practicing Roman Catholic) and the Lord answers, not in an audible voice, but to my mind. When I asked who is the "eagle" in Revelation 8:13, He said "you are". This really shook me, but after some research I realized there are actually four eagles. The first was St. Vincent Ferrer, an amazing miracle worker, who warned humanity in 14th century Europe about the impending breakup of Christianity (the first woe). His chief disciple was St. Bernardino of Siena, who also warned about this catastrophe. Since the eagle cries "woe, woe, woe", I determined that I must be the third personification of this eagle and my mission from God is to warn mankind about the second woe, World War 3. After me will come a fourth eagle, the prophet Enoch, whose mission will be to preach repentance to the Gentiles and warn about the third woe, the reign of the Antichrist. I like to refer to the four of us eagles as "three saints and a sinner". The term "co-prophet" means that I complete the end times prophecies in the Bible. I often compare the gifts of end times prophecy and co-prophecy to the gift of speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues. These manifestations come from the Holy Spirit who always requires two people to express His gift of life and love, such as also marriage. I hope you continue to enjoy my prophecy videos and I encourage any and all comments.
Here's his Youtube Channel for all interested.