And they're off!

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Puritan Board Junior
I'm a Derby fan.

I have enjoyed seeing the horses run for many years. Anybody have a favorite this year? I think Curlin has the best opportunity to win. He has a great record (no losses) and a good post position.

The race is tomorrow at 6:30.
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You used the word "there" wrong.

There = place, like "over there"

Their = person, like "Their party was great!"

When referring to horses, "Their" is correct.


Thanks for the spelling heads-up

God bless.

I spelled "head-up." and had to correct that. Have I mentioned that I'm applying for an office job that requires typing skills?
Watch some magnificent animals run all out!

It's hard generating some interest for this ancient sport! THE QUEEN CAME TO LOUISVILLE YOU OLD PURITANS! THAT'S BIG! Jamestown and the Whitehouse were 2nd and 3rd on her list!

Pick your horse and enjoy the race!
Another classic horse racing scene from the cinema:

[ame=]Match Race -- The Black Stallion[/ame]

I think that the questionable practice of gambling that often occurs during horseracing is something that Christians should condemn.

The Rev. P.B. Powers, author of The "I Wills" of Christ, ran a campaign against the building of a horsetrack near his town. In doing so he earned the ire of the libertines in the area who dragged and burned an effigy of him through the town square.

Gambling has never proven itself to produce godliness.


And who said bet?

Never crossed that line in the thread ON PURPOSE. I agree, "work with you own hands" does some damage to the whole idea of betting.
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