Andrew Purves ???

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Puritan Board Freshman
Does anybody know about Andrew Purves? (hint, hint, Backwoods)? I have seen a pastoral theology book that I might want to buy but would like some input first. Thanks
Talk about asking the right guy...

He is a disciple of Tom Torrance (did his Doctoral work under him, as well as taught with him) and a (sorry Grymir) die in the wool Barthian. All that being said he is well worth the read and has some great insights into Pastoral Care. I recommend highly his "Classical Texts in Pastoral Care" Book. Also his "Reconstructing Pastoral Theoogy" is worth reading. I was not as fond of "The Crucifixion of Ministry" but is still worth reading.

Anything else?

-----Added 12/3/2008 at 09:34:48 EST-----

He is also a really neat guy and heck of a preacher.
I think that is about it. Thanks.

Talk about asking the right guy...

He is a disciple of Tom Torrance (did his Doctoral work under him, as well as taught with him) and a (sorry Grymir) die in the wool Barthian. All that being said he is well worth the read and has some great insights into Pastoral Care. I recommend highly his "Classical Texts in Pastoral Care" Book. Also his "Reconstructing Pastoral Theoogy" is worth reading. I was not as fond of "The Crucifixion of Ministry" but is still worth reading.

Anything else?

-----Added 12/3/2008 at 09:34:48 EST-----

He is also a really neat guy and heck of a preacher.
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