Another Chilling Precedent: A Court Undermines a Parent

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Even more chilling...

What is even more chilling is the growning tendency of US judges to appeal to international precident for US rulings. In the recent ruling in California the judges who voted to allow homosexual marriage appealed to the number of countries who allow the practice in their ruling.

We have thrown "Constitutional Law" out the window.
Wait a minute! How did I miss that major news story where Québec seceded from Canada? Was there some major Britney Spears news that day or something?

Mentally/culturally/galactically they seceded a long time ago. It's just down to semantics (and a little clause about the northern 7/8ths of Quebec belonging to the natives, as well as a wee bit of instantaneously bankrupting debt to the Canadian federal government.)

But I digress...
A Canadian judge ruled that a 12-year-old girl was "excessively" punished when her father told her she could not go on a school camping trip because she had broken rules for use of the Internet.

Another Chilling Precedent: A Court Undermines a Parent

Read this the other day. All I can really say is that very little suprises me anymore.

I'm certainly not suprised by this in the least. Children are increasingly viewed as property of the state, even here in the US of A.
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