I came across this site via a google search, and was amazed by the complete and utter lies above!
So I have registered just to post some response on here to the allegations of Mark Pemberton, who I now see is banned.
He has posted several times stating that the Tabernacle, and Dr Masters, are arminian. All I can say is that if Dr Masters is arminian, then so was Spurgeon!
Certainly Dr Masters is disliked in the UK by hyper-calvinists because of his weekly evangelistic preaching (Spurgeon was just so disliked as well), in which he appeals to the lost. Many hyper-calvinists believe him to be wrong in the free offer of the gospel. That's another issue - suffice it to say that I am not a hyper-calvinist.
I am amazed that no-one has refuted the things that have been said, but maybe no-one knows enough to do so!
What you will find at the Tabernacle is fervent and constant evangelistic effort coupled with the doctrines of grace. Nothing more, nothing less. You will find a church that sets a mark that many in the UK are encouraged by and appreciate.
You will find a church much blessed and growing constantly since the start of Dr Masters' ministry in 1970, with the UK's largest Sunday School.
You will not find an arminian church. That is an utter lie. In fact, it is laughable. Go and visit the Tabernacle, read the Sword and Trowel (that's the name of the 'Tabernacle magazine', Mr Pemberton), and see for yourself. Look at the books in the Tabernacle bookshop (online at and look for an arminian book!
You will not find 'altar calls' 'decisionism' or any such thing. You will find Christ exalted and sinners appealed to.
Am I qualified to say this? My parents and other family members attend the Tabernacle (from 1971) to the present day, and I was a member until 2002 when I moved away from London
I am also a student at the London Reformed Baptist Seminary (based at the Tabernacle) . Which and not arminian.
Mr Pemberton complains that his letter(s) and those of others he knows are not answered. If they are of the offensive tone and of the ignorant nature of his posts on here, can any of us be suprised?
Not much more I can say on this, really, except that the evidence is there if you care to find it!
Best wishes to all!