Anyone familiar with this book?

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I would stay away from anything the CRC has published in the last 10(?) or 20(?) years.
Yes. This booklet is really just a collection of the ecumenical creeds (Apostle's, Nicene, and Athanasian) and the Three Forms of Unity. There's very brief introduction given to place each in its historical context, but it isn't really commentary. The creeds and confessions speak for themselves and make up the vast majority of the booklet.

There's nothing Baptist about it. It only has the confessions of the continental Reformed churches.

I like very much the translation of the Heidelberg Catechism that the CRC uses. The booklet is worth it for that alone. It is not affected, as far as I can tell, by the liberal leanings the CRC has struggled with over the past several decades.

I can't find a copy on my shelves (though I believe I have it somewhere), but if I remember correctly the Heidelberg Catechism is printed with Scrpture proof chapter and verse references, but the text of the verses are not written out. Having the actual Bible texts printed, or including Ursinus' commentary on his catechism, would be an improvement.
The new CRC translation of the Athanasian creed is interesting but lacks the cadence to make it useful liturgically.
Better translations of the Three Forms of Unity, then the one provided by the CRC are readily available..
I do not know of a single book that contains the creeds and confessions with the LBCF, but you may try to gather them electronically from this link at Monergism. You can gather the content you need from the different downloads and webpages. If you want one PDF document, post the creeds and confessions that you want I can create a PDF of them sometime before the week is up and send it to you.
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