Anyone Remember This Creepy Thing from Childhood?

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No Longer A Libertine

Puritan Board Senior
This clip shows a skin crawling depiction of Satan and his lies in a children's cartoon from the 1980s but it also blends the nihilism of secularism into it, that's the lie I speak of, regardless this is a fascinating little clip:
Vague memories of this - never saw the entire film, but have seen bits here and there. Chilling. Here's the plotline from imdb:

Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard the interplanetary balloon of Mark Twain. Twain, disgusted with the Human Race, is intent upon finding Halley's Comet and crashing into it, achieving his "destiny." It's up to Tom, Becky, and Huck to convince him hat his judgment is wrong, and that he still has much to offer humanity that might make a difference. Their efforts aren't just charitable; if they fail, they will share Twain's fate. Along the way, they use a magical time portal to get a detailed overview of the Twain philosophy, observing the "historical" events that inspired his works.

Sounds like a real winner - a cultural icon needing to be saved from suicide by his own fictional characters.

And it's claymation, so it's great for kids! :down:

Give me Davy and Goliath any day.
That scene was a bit much for a childrens movie. Although i am seeing it for the first time here and its out of context.
Mark Twain had a very dark side to him. I remember years ago reading a book that was similar to CS Lewis's Screw Tape Letters that was so disturbing that I only read a small part of it - I wish I could remember the title of it.
Mark Twain had a very dark side to him. I remember years ago reading a book that was similar to CS Lewis's Screw Tape Letters that was so disturbing that I only read a small part of it - I wish I could remember the title of it.

I bet it was "Letters from the Earth" by Mark Twain.
Mark Twain had a very dark side to him. I remember years ago reading a book that was similar to CS Lewis's Screw Tape Letters that was so disturbing that I only read a small part of it - I wish I could remember the title of it.

I bet it was "Letters from the Earth" by Mark Twain.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!! I was hoping someone would remember the title!
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