Archbishop Ussher

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Puritan Board Senior
Does anyone know off hand how much of his writtings are in print or on disc?

Is anyone working on getting his collected writings on disc?
I purchased his "Annals of the World" a couple of weeks ago (in book form). You can get it at It is a modern english translation (the first ever!). I really like it. The only complaint I have against it is, Ussher divided the history of the world into 7 "ages" (one from creation to the flood, one from the flood to the exodus, etc.). At the beginning of each of these "Ages" the publishers insterted a woodcut of something representative of that age (Adam and Eve for the first age, Noah's Ark for the second age). For the 7th age (which begins with the birth of Christ), there is a picutre of "Jesus". Grrr....

But, the book is a wonderful resource and is making me realize how much of a scholar Bishop Ussher was. I highly recommend it.

Did you all know that Ussher was a Calvinist? I didn't!

I saw that book on that website. I was wondering if it was worth the expense. Thanks for your insight. I think I will get one.

And no, I didn't know he was a calvinist. Like I always say, we all will be calvinists in heaven!


[Edited on 4-12-2004 by dswatts]
Ussher was one of the principal writers of the Irish Articles, which had a significant influence on the writers of the Westminster Standards.
Warfield and Ussher

Warfields treatment of the Westminster in places puts the Irish Articles of Religion and sometimes other writings by Ussher in Parallel columns to show their influence.
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