Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Repentance is an inward sorrowing, and continual mourning of the heart and conscience for sin joined with faith and both inward, and outward amendment: Inward I say in changing the thoughts and affections of the heart: and outward in changing the words, and works from evil to good. This repentance no doubt was in David, who when he was covertly reproved by the prophet Nathan, and his sins laid before his eyes, did not stubbornly defend them, and so justle against God: nor yet secretly excuse them, and daube them over, but cried out in the bitterness of his heart: I have sinned, and thereupon made the 51. Psalm.
A Psalm indeed full of dolour and heaviness: Wherein the Prophet bewaileth his falls, lamenteth his sins, and prayeth even for a new heart, and a new spirit, new thoughts, new affections, new purposes of amendment of life. So that in David we may see an inward sorrowing, a lasting grief (as the book of Psalms doth every where declare, which layeth him out as it were in an Anatomy) yea, and great reformation, both in inward, & outward sins. Here therefore behold what is Repentance.
For the reference, see Arthur Dent on repentance and the Psalms.
A Psalm indeed full of dolour and heaviness: Wherein the Prophet bewaileth his falls, lamenteth his sins, and prayeth even for a new heart, and a new spirit, new thoughts, new affections, new purposes of amendment of life. So that in David we may see an inward sorrowing, a lasting grief (as the book of Psalms doth every where declare, which layeth him out as it were in an Anatomy) yea, and great reformation, both in inward, & outward sins. Here therefore behold what is Repentance.
For the reference, see Arthur Dent on repentance and the Psalms.