Assisted Suicide??

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Universal healthcare is something I would also like to see Christians (particularly those in America) get on board with. Everyone should have access to the best healthcare available irrespective of their ability to pay. Better social programs for the weakest among us is another. It's almost like American Christians have forgotten how to be difference makers for positive change. Christians led the abolition movements in the 1800s, and played a large role in getting women the right to vote.

I don't want euthanasia to become legal in my state. But whether or not it does will have nothing to do with most of the Christians here. It's because of the failure of Christians that homosexual marriage and abortion are legal. The majority of Christians today are far more concerned with prosperity for themselves and getting "raptured" than in making any kind of real difference in society. They are the salt of nothing, and a light only to themselves.
As far as Women being allowed to vote... not sure if that is a good thing.
Universal healthcare is something I would also like to see Christians (particularly those in America) get on board with. Everyone should have access to the best healthcare available irrespective of their ability to pay. Better social programs for the weakest among us is another. It's almost like American Christians have forgotten how to be difference makers for positive change. Christians led the abolition movements in the 1800s, and played a large role in getting women the right to vote.
Americans are the most generous people on the planet by far.
When there wasn't universal healthcare in the world, people chipped in with mutual aid societies. There were hundreds in America and especially England.
"Universal" or "free" healthcare is a deceptive misnomer for government-funded healthcare.

Also, government-funded healthcare is a deceptive misnomer for taxpayer-funded healthcare.
"Universal" or "free" healthcare is a deceptive misnomer for government-funded healthcare.

Also, government-funded healthcare is a deceptive misnomer for taxpayer-funded healthcare.
Regardless of what system we are under, if euthanasia is given state cover then third party systems will have to pay for it. Public or private.
I happen to be a very conservative woman voter. That being said, giving women the vote may not necessarily be a good thing. Most of them today vote liberal. Unfortunately, you can't unring the bell. There isn't any going back from it.
I happen to be a very conservative woman voter. That being said, giving women the vote may not necessarily be a good thing. Most of them today vote liberal. Unfortunately, you can't unring the bell. There isn't any going back from it.
Society needs to change at the heart level. Social reform is meaningless if people's hearts remain unchanged. Women's suffrage was originally a very good thing - many Christian women were a part of that movement, and women were far more religious and conservative. The prohibition movement was an example - largely female driven. The problem is that when the woman is corrupted, society is corrupted. And sure enough, the women's liberation movement in the '60s and the rise of radical feminism changed everything for the worse. Ultimately, women refuse to become wives and mothers - they forsake natural affection.
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I happen to be a very conservative woman voter. That being said, giving women the vote may not necessarily be a good thing. Most of them today vote liberal. Unfortunately, you can't unring the bell. There isn't any going back from it.
Yes. And I am not convinced that the suffragette movement was a desirable thing. But, now that its legal, I certainly have no problem with the Sisters in Christ voting.
Yes. And I am not convinced that the suffragette movement was a desirable thing. But, now that its legal, I certainly have no problem with the Sisters in Christ voting.
It was a step toward individualism and away from community. Before, we voted as families.

For an interesting read, check out the newspaper articles written by Laura Ingalls Wilder in the two decades before she began publishing The Little House books. It provides some fascinating insights into the perspectives of the time (besides putting her daughter's radical libertarianism into some context). In one letter she comments that since the men weren't doing their job well, the women would step into help. In light of what was happening in the first two decades of the 20th century, the perspective makes sense, and I doubt many people would have seen where it would go. Isn't that the way it is with so many things?
Society needs to change at the heart level. Social reform is meaningless if people's hearts remain unchanged. Women's suffrage was originally a very good thing - many Christian women were a part of that movement, and women were far more religious and conservative. The prohibition movement was an example - largely female driven. The problem is that when the woman is corrupted, society is corrupted. And sure enough, the women's liberation movement in the '60s and the rise of radical feminism changed everything for the worse. Ultimately, women refuse to become wives and mothers - they forsake natural affection.
You speak of going to the root, but the fact is,
It was a step toward individualism and away from community. Before, we voted as families.

For an interesting read, check out the newspaper articles written by Laura Ingalls Wilder in the two decades before she began publishing The Little House books. It provides some fascinating insights into the perspectives of the time (besides putting her daughter's radical libertarianism into some context). In one letter she comments that since the men weren't doing their job well, the women would step into help. In light of what was happening in the first two decades of the 20th century, the perspective makes sense, and I doubt many people would have seen where it would go. Isn't that the way it is with so many things?
Yes! Laura Ingalls Wilder is a prime example of the presuffragette mindset, where women where starting to lean that direction. Rose Wilder was certainly suffragette.
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