Puritan Board Freshman

Puritan Classics Box Set
<p>Endorsements ‘These are the books to return to again and again as old friends. They are also a sacred trust, to pass on to our families, and to recommend to friends. For in these books we have been given light on our path, instruction for our minds, wisdom for our lives, pleasures for our...

Brothers and sisters I am over joyed to see this. All my books I get pdf for the most part. This is very encouraging. Below is a list of works. Get hyped.
The Art of Prophesying — William Perkins
The Bruised Reed — Richard Sibbes
The Letters of Samuel Rutherford — Samuel Rutherford
The Loveliness of Christ — Samuel Rutherford
A Lifting Up for the Downcast — William Bridge
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment — Jeremiah Burroughs
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices — Thomas Brooks
The Reformed Pastor — Richard Baxter
The Godly Man’s Picture Drawn with a Scripture Pencil — Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance — Thomas Watson
All Things For Good — Thomas Watson
The Mystery of Providence — John Flavel
Facing Grief — John Flavel
A Sure Guide to Heaven — Joseph Alleine
Prayer — John Bunyan
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