Best book dealing with the Eternality of GOD?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Has anyone read Paul Helm "Eternal GOD"? Would you recommend it or is there a better book on the eternality of GOD & His being outside of human time. Looking for something more theological then philosophical. Thank you! Matthew
Has anyone read Paul Helm "Eternal GOD"? Would you recommend it or is there a better book on the eternality of GOD & His being outside of human time. Looking for something more theological then philosophical. Thank you! Matthew

I have. It is VERY technical. Good, but hard. I would start with Ronald Nash's *The Concept of God* for an easier intro. Then move to Thomas V. Morris's *Our Idea of God.* Those two works will give you the technical tools to deal with analytic works like Helm's. It will also help make better sense of Anselm and Augustine.
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