Best/Cheap Online Seminary?

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Puritan Board Professor
Any thoughts? Been looking around for fairly reputable online seminaries. They don't have to be accredited, in fact in someways that maybe better:p
If you want something that is challenging and very cheap, but not accredited, then you should check out Columbia Evangelical Seminary. That is the seminary that James White teaches at and got two of his degrees from. The program allows you to choose one professor to be your mentor and the two of you tailor a program of study. Essentially, every class consists of reading a list of books on a particular subject and then doing a 20 page research paper on said topic. Your grade for the paper is your grade for the class. They have professors from a wide range of backgrounds, including many who are reformed, that you can choose from. I think it is something like $95 a credit hour.
I attended Reformation International Theological Seminary. It was 115 credit hours. Required a 75-page thesis to graduate. And mentoring by a local pastor was required.

What ever you chose, my friend, I strongly recommend a good local Reformed pastor to mentor with or at least interact with.

(I see your from Colorado. If you need local Reformed contacts, depending on where you live, I may be able to help).
You really should talk your pastors and elders and see what they would require for you to pursue theological education. Also, if you are planning on attending for the purpose of a call- you really should be under some form of care to oversee your education. Pastors and teachers should be men under authority and that begins when you believe you are called.

If you are pursuing for your own interests and growth as a Christian, that's a different story. Have you considered your end goals in pursuing this?
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