Bible Study - Good Books?

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Puritan Board Freshman
(Sorry for posting in General Discussion, but I do not know where this should go.)

Hey Everybody!
I am now well into my college life here at Cedarville. I have noticed something terrible, I have not been reading the Bible as I should. I mean, I have totally been slack concerning it, to a point that I can not even find it!
I know this is bad, I feel like crap, and would just as soon go home and forget college just so that I can learn (the things that really matter) again. So I was thinking, since everyone here is all about 'worship' and cares nothing for 'doctrine' - as if you could have worship without any biblical understanding - I wanted to ask if there was some Bible study material that is very sound? I am tired of all the Bible study books that are nothing but garbage, just stories about someone's life, or little jokes, or etc.... But I mean a real bible study.
Preferably old and free :) - Free because I am at college, and old because that is where the most good stuff is.

Do any of you have any suggestions?

Thanks For Your Time,

Give this site a check...Plenty of encyclopedias and dictionaries...

Also it has all of Calvin's Commentaries online - not too many fluffy "This verse makes me feel..." sayings in here.
His Institutes are there as well for longer doctrinal discussions.

And yes, all of this is free! This should keep you pretty busy for a few years. :bs2:

Enjoy! Hope this helps.
My thanks to you both for a wonderful collection of websites.

I just read Calvin's Intro to Romans - A very wonderful writing indeed. :) I believe I will continue to traverse his writings throughout the book of Romans. has a vast amount of great articles from what I can see, and I shall continue to visit that site in the days to come.

Again, thanks to you both, I was in need of some solid reading material to aid me in my bible studies.

Thanks to all,
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