Bible Study do you read and study?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I have been curious lately of what ways others study Scripture. Do you read one book over and over? Do you read with a commentary by your side? Do you just go from Gen-Rev and start over?How much time do you spend in the OT vs. the NT? Do you make a point to use the cross-references in your Bible (if you have them) to see the infusion and correlation between the OT and the NT? Do you use your concordance and do word studies while reading?

I am currently reading the Bible Chronologically, as well as dissecting Philippians (I am teaching a class this week on a passage), and going through the psalms in one my Bible's that doesn't have cf's and writing in my own to help my recognition of the texts from other books to help my biblical knowledge. Your thoughts and methods?

I look forward to the replies.

Brian Orr
Hi Brian and welcome :)
you've ju-u-u st missed a thread on this very topic: see here.
Join Austin's Bible-in-4-months handicap!
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