Bible Tranlations.

Bible Versions on PB

  • King James

    Votes: 22 24.7%
  • New King James

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • New American Standard

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • English Standard Version

    Votes: 41 46.1%
  • New International Version

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 9.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Puritan Board Doctor
What is used in the PB? King James, New King James, New American Standard, English Standard Version, New International Version, Other. This is about your primary Bible, whatever you usually carry, study from and read at night, that sort o thing.
What is used in the PB? King James, New King James, New American Standard, English Standard Version, New International Version, Other. This is about your primary Bible, whatever you usually carry, study from and read at night, that sort o thing.

I use the KJV.
NKJV. It is the pulpit Bible of my church and hence the easiest to use all the time as I preach from it.

It is also In my humble opinion based upon the best texts, and retains much of the grandeur and translational quality of the KJV without the archaic language.

That said, I love the KJV and don't hesitate to use it in preaching where something is rendered or expressed better therein.

It just came out this year...... and put out by Tolle Lege Press..

I purchased mine through the Visionforum because they had a special Thanksgiving package included with the bible.....

I love it....


Cool....I did not know those were around. I have decent Bible collection...........that might have to be a purchase!:book2:
It just came out this year...... and put out by Tolle Lege Press..

I purchased mine through the Visionforum because they had a special Thanksgiving package included with the bible.....

I love it....

Can you get them through Amazon? That's where I get my books online.
Yes, I just looked it up....

1599 Geneva Bible

1599 Geneva Bible by Dr. Marshall Foster and Gary DeMar (Leather Bound - 2006)
Buy new: $79.95 4 Used & new from $62.95
Get it by Thursday, Jun 21, if you order in the next 27 minutes.
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.

Here is the Link...

Can you get them through Amazon? That's where I get my books online.
Yes, I just looked it up....

1599 Geneva Bible

1599 Geneva Bible by Dr. Marshall Foster and Gary DeMar (Leather Bound - 2006)
Buy new: $79.95 4 Used & new from $62.95
Get it by Thursday, Jun 21, if you order in the next 27 minutes.
Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.

Here is the Link...
Thanks..........I need to get Megan in here and drop an "I need this Bible.........."!:):):)
Well, I believe in the Doctrine of the Preserved Text.. I am not King James only since I use the Geneva... But I hold that God has held and preserved the textual family down through the ages which has been the Received Text.. The King James, New King James, Geneva Bible, Great Bible, etc are translated from.

I like the Geneva bible better because it translate alittle better since King James Boy over there in Ole England of yours ;) changed a few things in the translation after the translation comittee was finished with it. There was a few things he did not like.....

I still use the King James because it is a good translation, but I use my Geneva most of the time...

I have issues with the other textual families......


If you don't mind I would like a little feedback on why you like the translation you use! Thanks!:detective:
ESV here. The main reasons are that I like how it reads as smoothly as the NIV, yet is more literal to the original and it is the pew bible in our church. I must admit, though, a few in our SS class use the 1599 Geneva Bible and I really like it, as well.
I voted other because when I'm studying I use as many English translations I can get my hands on. (Mainly NKJV, KJV, NIV, ESV, and 1599 Geneva as those are the translations I happen to own at this time.)
When I left my Atheist position I bought an NIV, back in 92 or 93, everyone was buying the NIV then..............what happened (other than it not being that great a translation?)
I voted other because when I'm studying I use as many English translations I can get my hands on. (Mainly NKJV, KJV, NIV, ESV, and 1599 Geneva as those are the translations I happen to own at this time.)
Come on Donald..........don't cop-out on me here......I am asking for the Bible that is on your nightstand and in your car on Sudays..............things like that, you must have one you at least slighly slant towards................:)
Come on Donald..........don't cop-out on me here......I am asking for the Bible that is on your nightstand and in your car on Sudays..............things like that, you must have one you at least slighly slant towards................:)

Well, then it's a toss up between the NKJV and the ESV.

I voted NKJV, though I probably use my 1599 Geneva more now-a-days.

Why? NKJV is based on the TR. Geneva Bible because I like the way it reads (much more so than the KJV) and because of the wonderful notes.
I voted NKJV, though I probably use my 1599 Geneva more now-a-days.

Why? NKJV is based on the TR. Geneva Bible because I like the way it reads (much more so than the KJV) and because of the wonderful notes.
I think I will get a used guys are making it sound interesting.:book2:
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