Blogging My Brain Out (Such as it is...)

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Puritan Board Doctor
Call me crazy, but I've started a third blog. There isn't much there yet, but I hope to add one post per day. The idea isn't original with me, of course, but I've been thinking about doing this for awhile. I hope it may prove interesting.

It's Reiterations.
Wow. I went to some Arminian church here in town so I could attend their youth group and make new friends (since my church is so small), and they had some guy come in and talk about the Trinity. Man it was so hard to keep a straight face and not get up and walk out! This is worlds better.
I started my own blog, but I never write in it. I never have anything to consistently say. I can't believe you have enough to talk about for 3. :up: Whenever I do think of something I want to write, the thought occurs to me that no one reads it anyway and I don't post consistently enough to justify it.

It's a sad circle.
Wow. I went to some Arminian church here in town...

There's your mistake! :duh:

:lol: Hey, I found a Calvinist who knows what TULIP, Covenant theology, and paedo/credo baptism is! So that's not a bad find. And one who agrees with the doctrines of grace and likes Michael Horton. I also re-united with some friends from back in the homeschool/4-H days... So it's not too terrible. :)
Wow. I went to some Arminian church here in town...

There's your mistake! :duh:

:lol: Hey, I found a Calvinist who knows what TULIP, Covenant theology, and paedo/credo baptism is! So that's not a bad find. And one who agrees with the doctrines of grace and likes Michael Horton. :)

Don't lose that connection. I have no reformed brethren in my area, save my wife, a good reformer is hard to find.
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