book recommendations

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Puritan Board Post-Graduate
I have a school requirement to read 7 hrs on ecclesiology and sanctification and write a report on it. The prof gave a list of possible books to read, but allows just about anything.

So, what do you recommend?
Is the prof wanting you to do ecclesiology and santification together or seperate?

The standard book on ecclesiology is Bannerman, The Church of Christ.
Also I just received an assignment where I have to present the Dispensational vs Reformed View of progressive sanctification.


I already have "5 views of Sanctification"
B. B. Warfield defended the Biblical doctrine of sanctification and attacked the Pelagian thinking on the topic in his treatment of Perfectionism in Volumes VII & VIII of the Baker set of The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield.
Although it's been years since I pulled off my bookshelf I'd recommend The Church by Ed Clowney.
Keep In Step With The Spirit by J.I.Packer.

It's short but puts a lot of perceptive thought into the doctrine of sanctification and the differing views out there.
7hrs? Hmm... I'd have fun with this. Some read more than others in that amount of time... and some read far, far less...

Don't forget book IV of the Institutes...
For Dispensational views on sanctification, I would pick Balancing the Christian Life by Charles Ryrie or He That Is Spiritual by L. S. Chafer.
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