Books for sale

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hello, I was trying to find the best spot to post this so forgive me if I’m in the wrong spot. I’m in a circumstance where unfortunately I need to be selling books to straighten out some things financially. Here is a list of what I’m selling, message me for more details if interested.

The Christian’s Reasonable Service (4 Volume set) - Wilhelmus A. Brakel - $60

Gods Smuggler - Brother Andrew - $5

The book of church order 2015 - $20

The Cross and the Switch Blade - David Wilkerson - $5

Reformed Systematic Theology - Beeke & Smalley - $35

Learn to Read New Testament Greek - David Black - $20

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary 3rd Edition - Van Voorst - $15

The Works of John Owen Vol. 6 Banner of Truth - $15

Biblical Doctrine - John MacArthur - $30

The Cross of Christ - John Stott - $7

Principles of Biblical Interpretation - Berkhof - $10

The Roman Catholic Controversy - James White - $5

The Valley of Vision - Arthur Bennett - $5

The Power of the Pulpit - Gardiner Spring - $10

Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses - Johannes Piscator - $25

The Israel of God - Palmer Robertson - $5

A God Entranced Vision of All Things - John Piper - $7

One Nation Under Gods - Richard Abanes- $7

Covenant Theology a Reformed and Baptistic Perspective On God’s Covenants - Greg Nichols - $30

Matthew Henry Commentary Vol 1. Genesis to Deuteronomy - $5

God of Justice - Abraham George & Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto - $5

Book of Mormon/Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price - $15

The Daniel Prayer - Anne Graham Lotz - $5

Praise of Folly - Erasmus - $7

Systematic Theology - Augustus H. Strong - $25

Santa Biblia - $5

The Christian Life - Sinclair Ferguson - $7

On Preaching - H.B. Charles - $10

The Christian’s Labor and Reward - William Gurnall - $25

Wrecked and Redeemed - Benji Kelly - $5

Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray - Nathan Busenitz - $7

Brothers We Are Not Professionals - John Piper - $7

Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund - $10
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Hello, I was trying to find the best spot to post this so forgive me if I’m in the wrong spot. I’m in a circumstance where unfortunately I need to be selling books to straighten out some things financially. Here is a list of what I’m selling, message me for more details if interested.

The Christian’s Reasonable Service - Wilhelmus A. Brakel

The Christian in Complete Armour - William Gurnall

Gods Smuggler - Brother Andrew

The book of church order 2015

The Cross and the Switch Blade - David Wilkerson

Reformed Systematic Theology - Beeke & Smalley

Learn to Read New Testament Greek - David Black

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary 3rd Edition - Van Voorst

The Works of John Owen Vol. 6 Banner of Truth

Biblical Doctrine - John MacArthur

The Cross of Christ - John Stott

Principles of Biblical Interpretation - Berkhof

The Roman Catholic Controversy - James White

The Valley of Vision - Arthur Bennett

The Power of the Pulpit - Gardiner Spring

Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses - Johannes Piscator

The Israel of God - Palmer Robertson

A God Entranced Vision of All Things - John Piper

One Nation Under Gods - Richard Abanes

Covenant Theology a Reformed and Baptistic Perspective On God’s Covenants - Greg Nichols

Matthew Henry Commentary Vol 1. Genesis to Deuteronomy

God of Justice - Abraham George & Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto

Life on the Edge - Dr. James Dobson

Book of Mormon/Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price

The Daniel Prayer - Anne Graham Lotz

Praise of Folly - Erasmus

Systematic Theology - Augustus H. Strong

Santa Biblia

The Christian Life - Sinclair Ferguson

On Preaching - H.B. Charles

The Christian’s Labor and Reward - William Gurnall

Wrecked and Redeemed - Benji Kelly

Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray - Nathan Busenitz

Brothers We Are Not Professionals - John Piper

Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund

Trinity Hymnal
It might be easier for everybody if you listed prices for each book; so people can tell right away if it is in their budget.
I wasn't expecting the books this soon given shipping and our crazy DFW weather this morning. They were well protected and packaged. Thanks for sending them!
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