Bunyan’s strait gate and catholics’ salvation

Otávio Maziero

Puritan Board Freshman
Hello brothers,

I live in Brazil and here, there are milions of catholics.
I was wondering about all those people going to hell, and listened to Sproul, MacArthur, James White, Piper, Doug Wilson, and they all said that those catholics that believe only in Jesus as salvation, and don’t know the real faith plus works salvation that is taught on Trent Council, will be saved.

They say that there are millions of people like that, who May pray to Mary and go to Mass, but Trust in Jesus as their only hope of justification, not understanding all the doctrinal justification errors and trying to live holy lives.

At the Same time, I just read Bunyan’s Strait Gate and he clearly shows that few will be saved among the church.

Im confused now, because Bunyan show how Christs followers obey His word, even though they fail.
What about women pastors? Pastors that allow women to preach? Those who do not preach the gospel how they should? A lot of pentecostals who disobey the word?

Those would also be saved bases on the arguments of these teachers…

Please help me to understand this, as this is such a serious subject and I know A LOT of catholics and I am worried about their salvation.

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Hello brothers,

I live in Brazil and here, there are milions of catholics.
I was wondering about all those people going to hell, and listened to Sproul, MacArthur, James White, Piper, Doug Wilson, and they all said that those catholics that believe only in Jesus as salvation, and don’t know the real faith plus works salvation that is taught on Trent Council, will be saved.

They say that there are millions of people like that, who May pray to Mary and go to Mass, but Trust in Jesus as their only hope of justification, not understanding all the doctrinal justification errors and trying to live holy lives.

At the Same time, I just read Bunyan’s Strait Gate and he clearly shows that few will be saved among the church.

Im confused now, because Bunyan show how Christs followers obey His word, even though they fail.
What about women pastors? Pastors that allow women to preach? Those who do not preach the gospel how they should? A lot of pentecostals who disobey the word?

Those would also be saved bases on the arguments of these teachers…

Please help me to understand this, as this is such a serious subject and I know A LOT of catholics and I am worried about their salvation.

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I will only say that when people like RC Sproul and MacArthur say that many Roman Catholics will be saved, they speak of those who are ignorant to the errors of Rome but nevertheless have attained to genuine faith in Christ. Were they to be shown their errors we believe they would turn away from them (though not necessarily immediately), having the Spirit of God.

Nevertheless, your concern for Roman Catholics is very much warranted and a good thing. We ought to do whatever we can to turn believers from sin and to serve the living God in truth, and share the Gospel with those who are in darkness.
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