Calvin quote location?

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Puritan Board Professor
Please refer to post #6 for an edit to my OP....

While listening to this podcast Dr.K. Scott Oliphint used a quote by Calvin to suggest that God changes His disposition of the believer when He regenerates them. Dr. Oliphint said,at the 43:35 mark, that Calvin suggested such when he said that "God loved us when He hated us" before we were justified. This was used in the context of a changed in the disposition of God towards His elect, which I believe Calvin would never do such knowing how he was such a staunch defender of the impassibility of God.
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Berkhof makes a similar point in his Systematic Theology. I agree with their point since scripture does not always represent "love" and "hate" as absolute dichotomies. I think it is also an attempt to reconcile Eph. 2:3-4 which would suggest both.
MAJOR edit here....While listening to this podcast Dr.K. Scott Oliphint used a quote by Calvin to suggest that God changes His disposition toward the believer when He regenerates the them. Dr. Oliphint said this at the 43:35 mark, in that Calvin suggested such when he said that "God loved us when He hated us" before we were justified. This was used in the context of a change in the disposition of God towards His elect, which I believe Calvin would never do such knowing how he was such a staunch defender of the impassibility of God.
After reading this quote I can see the qualifier "as if" within his quote.

"Accordingly in a manner wondrous and divine, he loved even when he hated us."

Below I believe is an expansion of what I believe Calvin meant Contra to Dr. Oliphint's opinion ....

Accordingly in a manner wondrous and divine, in which manner He loved us even when He it appeared as if He hated us.
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