Calvin's Institutes

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Puritan Board Post-Graduate
Hello, brothers and sisters.

I am unsure if this is the correct forum in which to ask this question, but here it goes:

I want to have a really good binding of the McNeill/Battles edition of Calvin's Institutes. I have the Westminster John Knox publication, but, to be frank, the binding and paper is awful. Does anyone know if or where I can find a better binding of this translation?

As far as I know, there are only two editions of that available in print: a paperback and hardback edition. I have the hb edition and would assume it is a bit better than the pb version. Other than that, I am not sure it is available otherwise in print. It is available for the Logos Bible software which would eliminate the binding be an issue.
Get Beveridge edition. Better translation, though antiquated language, and I have one with really nice binding. Just search Calvin's Institutes Deluxe Edition (only like $20), but don't buy it on the Lord's Day.
The Battles translation is available in a free pdf online:

(removed links until it can be demonstrated that the host had permission)
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Hi Taylor,

I have this one: It came with a set of Calvin's Commentaries (a Christmas gift I received one year).

And this one: My wife gave this set to me at my graduation from SBTS.

Both are nice hardcover volumes and are pretty well-bound. I like the Beveridge translation a lot, but the McNeill set has more helpful footnotes. I'm glad to have both so I can do comparison study.

Hope this helps!

Grace to you.
I'd just buy the Knox press or Westminster (1975) press edition. I wouldn't get the Beveridge for a number of a reasons. Besides, you're an mdiv student and will need it for papers. I've read many of Calvin's editions and I find Beveridge to only be good on the prefatory address and a few chapters. Westminster West may have a deal.
if you get an older edition of the McNeill- mid-1990s, the paper is high quality, acid free paper and the binding is sewn. The newest edition of it uses a very cheap and heavy stock as well as glued (I believe) binding.

So I would say stick with McNeill and then look for an older printing.

FYI: My congregation has a monthly Calvin's Institute Study (a two + year project) and I have seen the scope of available editions.
The Battles translation is available in a free pdf online:


I believe the Battles translation of Calvin's Institutes is still under full copyright protection.

I don't mean to be the copyright cop on here (maybe I should hold my tongue if it irritates people), but I became very sensitive to the matter when I was transcribing Reformed works for distribution on the internet (some are on Monergism).
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Yes, but, if you look at it, this is not only the Battles' translation, but it also claims: "Used by Permission from the Westminster Press, All Rights Reserved." This is the old "Ages" Bible Software edition of McNeill/Batles in PDF form. A few years ago, they had hundreds of theological resources available on PDF.

My question is did the person who put the PDF up online have the permission to do so?
I want to have a really good binding of the McNeill/Battles edition of Calvin's Institutes. I have the Westminster John Knox publication, but, to be frank, the binding and paper is awful. Does anyone know if or where I can find a better binding of this translation?

I have a 90s edition, to which I have been fairly merciless, and the binding is still firm. Here is a picture of that edition:
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