I found this passage in Calvin's sermons on Acts 1-7 interesting in reading yesterday.
John Calvin, Sermon 6, “On Bearing the Marks of the Church, Sunday, 2 February 1550,” in Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, chapters 1–7, translated by Rob Roy McGregor (Banner of Truth, 2008), pp. 68–71.
Calvin in is Commentary on Acts 2:42 (published in 1560) maintains the same view that it refers to the Lord’s Supper, but does not think that v46 does so (breaking bread from house to house). The sermons skip to Acts 3 and so a sermon covering v46 appears to be missing (the 7th sermon is dated 23 February).
Luke adds two more things, namely, the breaking of the bread, by which we understand the Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, and communion (Acts 2:42). It is true we discussed it only briefly, but we must note that just as our Lord gave us his word and wishes it to be made known, he also gave us the Supper to testify that we belong to his flock….
One of our great faults is that we do not celebrate the Lord’s Supper with the zeal of the primitive church. They did not limit their practice to four times a year, but they served it every Sunday, and sometimes even every day. The faithful wanted so much to follow the evangelical teaching that when they were assembled, they served the Supper at least every Sunday. But since then, the world is become so corrupt and depraved that they came to disregard that institution….
For our part, since we have the pure teaching of the gospel, we must be ardently zealous to follow what it shows us inasmuch as we see it is the rule our Lord gave the apostles, which they followed. Even though we know the teaching is pure and complete, we are still so wretched we cannot receive it as we should. For although we are to come only a few times a year to commune at the Supper, how many will come with their wicked affections? Some will come with their hatreds, their grudges; others will be full of avarice, greed, thefts, and others will cling to their blasphemies, their filthiness, or their excesses. Or else, even if they are in any way prepared when they come, they will not wait until the next day to return to their sins, to their vindictiveness, to their quarrels, and to their old hatreds. They will all return to their old ways. So we are very from being prepared to receive the Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ every day or every Sunday. Even with great effort we cannot come prepared four times a year to free ourselves from our iniquities. We have good reason to deplore our iniquity. When we see that our Lord has favoured us with the gospel and tells us he wants to be our father and protector and nourish us with the body and blood of his Son Jesus Christ, we nevertheless distance ourselves from him by rejecting all these gracious acts. For that reason, the gospel is so far from bearing the fruit it should within us that we become worse. For there is no friendship or brotherliness among us, indeed, much less than among unbelievers.
Still, we have to pay close attention to this passage. Luke’s reason for bringing the Supper and communion together is to show that there must be among us a true union based on fraternal love so that we can commune with one another and remember that God made us for one another, as members of one body, the body of Jesus Christ. In fact, an aspect of the ritual of the Supper—I am talking about when the Supper was administered more often than now—was that they kissed one another to show the fraternal love which Christians ought to have for one another. They also received alms to help those who were in need, and in that way showed that they were not hypocritically calling one another brothers and that almsgiving was as much a part of the ceremony as the rest….
John Calvin, Sermon 6, “On Bearing the Marks of the Church, Sunday, 2 February 1550,” in Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, chapters 1–7, translated by Rob Roy McGregor (Banner of Truth, 2008), pp. 68–71.
Calvin in is Commentary on Acts 2:42 (published in 1560) maintains the same view that it refers to the Lord’s Supper, but does not think that v46 does so (breaking bread from house to house). The sermons skip to Acts 3 and so a sermon covering v46 appears to be missing (the 7th sermon is dated 23 February).