Can Someone ID these snakes?

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Puritan Board Professor
Went hunting for snakes to attempt to cut down on the population around my house, killed over 10 in 1/2 hr.

Anyway, can someone identify these two snakes?

haha. Well right now I'm just killing snakes because my wife doesn't like them. And there are a lot of poisonous ones out here. I need a king snake to kill all the others. But I dont know what they look like either.
They were pretty until I noticed their wounds. Ewww.

No clue what kind they are, but they don't look poisonous. I wouldn't want to find out the wrong way, though.
Sorry, I can't ID the snakes, but am curious: what did you use to hunt them? .22? BB gun?
I can't identify these snakes but I can identify the snake who murdered them!
Where do you live that you could kill over 10 in a half hour?!? I am with your wife on that one...
My first thought was that they looked like water snakes also. Copperheads have similar markings but their heads are colored different and they aren't as dark.
That's funny, I thought the second one WAS a king snake. Shows how much I know about snakes. I can tell you that neither of these two are poisonous.
What can I say...

I love snakes, keeps the rats down, fun to catch, fun to son and I catch and release when we can, and learn the dangerous ones.

But, if there are a bunch of poisonous ones around the house, I understand protecting the kids from that.

But I'm going against the grain, and say, I like live snakes. :)
They look like a rat snake and a water snake.

If you don't want vermin everywhere don't kill the non poisonous snakes. The only poisonous snakes you will have in your area are rattlesnakes, copperheads, cotton mouth water moccasins, and perhaps coral snakes.
1) I used a .22 long rifle. I'm working on my shooting skills. I'm getting good, apparently.

2) I live in the delta of Mississippi and there is a 'swamp' right in front of my house.

3) I have a cat to keep the rodent problem under control. She does pretty good. It is her sole purpose (at least why we have her). We don't like cats, so we named her Delilah.

4) after I shot them, I believed them to be non-venemous due to the shape of their head. But I'm working on figuring out how to tell them by their color. Now I know for these two. The 'water snake', at least what you guys have stated thus far, is very easy to spot in the water. The first snake (rat snake?) just looked black. Not so after I shot it and put it on dry land.

-----Added 5/4/2009 at 03:59:17 EST-----

There are poisonous snakes in the 'swamp' and around my house. Copperheads or cottonmouths whatever they are. I've seen them before, baby one's too (and they are the most lethal.
Snakes that escaped from a fundamentalist snake-handling church? And now they've been killed by a Presbyterian pastor! :eek:

-----Added 5/4/2009 at 04:02:38 EST-----

Copperheads or ... whatever they are.

They're Duracells
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The snakes are there to help keep your cat problem under control. :p

I grew up (in theory :smug:) swimming in Mississippi creeks and lakes, and of all the things in this life that I don't like, water moccasins rank close to the top of the list.

You could go to one of our swimming holes at sunset, shine a light, and see lots of little water moccasins swimming back and forth. I still get shivers thinking about it.

All that to you step up there Pastor Barnes.

You and your family are in my prayers regarding these snakes :pray2:.
Do the non-poisonous snakes help keep away the poisonous ones? I HATE snakes, but if they are there for a reason, I *might* be able to sleep at night.

When I taught at an Assemblies of God school, in morning devotions one day one of their women pastors told us that part of subduing the earth is casting the vermin away simply with command. Didn't you know that since you are to have dominion over the earth, the animals must obey you? Simply call out, "Snakes, leave!" and they will. Guaranteed.
You just keep up the good work! Don't forget to kill the mice and rats while you're at it
I actually appreciate and protect the snakes that live by my furnace room. They keep the mouse/rat/chipmunk (yeah, I could have said RODENT) population down. These three are an extreme nuisance because we live about 350 feet from a lake and there is ample food, water and woodpiles for them to breed in. When it gets cold, they migrate into the furnace room.
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