C. Matthew McMahon
Christian Preacher
Yes, it is CS Lewis.
"all Holy Scripture is in some sense - though not all parts of it in the same sense - the word of God."
Reflections on the Psalms, 19.
"If every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights, then all true and edifying writings, whether in Scripture or not, must in some sense be inspired."
Letters of C. S. Lewis, W. H. Lewis, editor, 1993,479-480.
"[H]ere are people who do not accept the full Christian doctrine about Christ but who are so strongly attracted by Him that they are His in a much deeper sense than they themselves understand. There are people in other religions who are being led by God's secret influence to concentrate on those parts of their religion which are in agreement with Christianity, and who thus belong to Christ without knowing it. For example, a Buddhist of good will may be led to concentrate more and more on the Buddhist teaching about mercy and to leave in the background (though he might still say he believed) the Buddhist teaching on certain other points. Many of the good Pagans long before Christ's birth may have been in this position."
Mere Christianity, 176-177.
"I think that every prayer which is sincerely made even to a false god or to a very imperfectly conceived true God, is accepted by the true God and that Christ saves many who do not think they know Him."
Letters of C. S. Lewis, 428.
God sends "good dreams" to all people in the form of mythology....
"all Holy Scripture is in some sense - though not all parts of it in the same sense - the word of God."
Reflections on the Psalms, 19.
"If every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights, then all true and edifying writings, whether in Scripture or not, must in some sense be inspired."
Letters of C. S. Lewis, W. H. Lewis, editor, 1993,479-480.
"[H]ere are people who do not accept the full Christian doctrine about Christ but who are so strongly attracted by Him that they are His in a much deeper sense than they themselves understand. There are people in other religions who are being led by God's secret influence to concentrate on those parts of their religion which are in agreement with Christianity, and who thus belong to Christ without knowing it. For example, a Buddhist of good will may be led to concentrate more and more on the Buddhist teaching about mercy and to leave in the background (though he might still say he believed) the Buddhist teaching on certain other points. Many of the good Pagans long before Christ's birth may have been in this position."
Mere Christianity, 176-177.
"I think that every prayer which is sincerely made even to a false god or to a very imperfectly conceived true God, is accepted by the true God and that Christ saves many who do not think they know Him."
Letters of C. S. Lewis, 428.
God sends "good dreams" to all people in the form of mythology....